Elvira vs the cult of Ball (By L.A Vaught)

with your child on your back you and your compatriots have set off on a quest for the golden wingie friend

a butterfly which was at the fluffy and small dog park

the others fell behind but you shall take it

you chase it through various bits of underbrush

the glory shall be yours!

.>you shall take it within your mouth alive!

and return with spoil for your humans!
they shall sing songs of your quest and triumph

you catch the insect in your mouth displaying a surprising amount of agility for a fluffy

yet as you bask in glory with Marmalade upon your back you realize you are lost

you are no longer in the verdant green of the park but in a dirty alley

”Nu smeww pwetty.”
you mutter to yourself approximating the closest a fluffy can muster to a scowl

this place is foul

yet mixed with the cigarette buts, and rotting food you smell fluffy

and it’s fresh



who do not revere the humans and do not eat cooked skettis

though they are not innately hostile you understand how quick they can turn violent against a product of the civilized world such as yourself

you hide behind a refrigerator box as you hear chanting

”Baaw! Baaw! Baaw!”
should you run?
a voice in your head tells you to make friends with them

but you silence this

this same voice also tells you to make poopies when you shouldn’t but really have to go

still you suppose it couldn’t hurt

you tuck away the peeping marmalade inside the box

you do not know how these savages would react to one with her deformity

you creep up and look towards a large congregation of fluffies led by a Unicorn

the unicorn is wearing a dishrag, and a burger king party hat.

a tv remote held in his hand
do these beasts not know that without the teebee such a tool is useless?

yet stranger still is their chant

an ominous dirge of “baaw!”

with a few skrees and huus thrown in for measure

you sneak up nudging a Pegasus with green stripes

he’s smaller and fatter than you

less of a threat than an earthie or unicorn

”Hewwo! Am Eviwa”
you say gormlessly but quieter than the average fluffy

”Hewwo am stwipe!”
you turn to stripe after realizing that on the altar

there were three chirping foals…

they were too old to have just been born

but they still couldn’t talk

in the center was a tennis ball

”what ou doin wif babbehs?”
stripe laughs happily

”we gib babbehs to baaw!”

”baww not want babbehs, baww is toysies.”
stripes looks at you like you have a serious case of dummeh

”Baaw no am toysies, baaw is nice munstah!”
”why gib babbehs to munstah.”
this is getting more concerning

stripe smiles

”evewy 3 and 3 an 1 fowevews, Baaw come and gib nummehs fo babbehs.”
you pause

those better be some damn good nummies

”wat kind nummies?”
the entire crowd of fluffies is now chanting “Skettis”
skettis did sound

but babbehs were more important

you watch as the unicorn babbles and shakes his remote

”he siwwy.”
stripe gives you a sowwy hoofsie

”Nu am siwwy he talkie fo baaw!”


talkie things are eatie things

this unicorn isn’t the talkie place of a munstah

it’s a unicorn

they’re stupider than you thought

you turn around to leave

these fluffies are dummehs

then you hear something

”Fwuffy am find munstah babbeh in boks!”
that wasn’t your problem

you’d just get marmalade and leave


you left marmalade in a box

and marmalade was a munstah babbeh.

what are the odds there was another

you didn’t see many munstah babbeh ferals

oh no

the blue earthie is already rushing over with a peeping marmalade in it’s mouth

”Mo babbehs! Mo nummies”
cries the rest of the herd

clearly excited that they had more to offer their Baal

oh fluff

the unicorn in the hat is now waving the remote at marmalade


who is clearly confused

you are too

thinking fast you grab a spatula in your mouth and run through the crowd

shoving and scraping all in your way as the chants turn to panicked shouts

the unicorn is in the middle of the rite and still doesn’t seem to notice you

you collide spatula first sending him flying off the box pile

he is now bleeding and crying as half the herd rush to give him huggies

still too shocked that someone would do this to their high priest

you drop your spatula for a second to pick up marmalade

”babbeh hold on, otay?”
you grunt through gritted teeth

another babbeh grips your leg peeping.

screw it.

you take it

”babbeh bettah not make eviwa swow.”
you huff before grabbing your spatula

”Dummeh wingie gib pwiest fowevah sweepies!”

they are all screaming for your death
”Gib fowevah sweepies.”
you are soon engulfed in a hostile fluffpile as hundreds of soft paws latch onto you trying to give you forever sleepies

you slash them with your mighty spatula’s corners

kicking the few on your back as you desperately try to escape while still making sure the babbehs are on your back

you still hear some of the foals peeping but you can’t take them

if you tried you and the babbehs would get forever sleepies

can’t risk that

even if it gave you heart hurties

you leap over a earthie, probably a tuffie and skid a bit on the pavement before running back into the underbrush

you hear the sound of a metal munstah coming as you leave

and something stepping out


do you dare to look?

it must be too horrible to imagine

truly it is better to be ignorant of such things

all that matters is you and marmalade survived

and the other babbeh

you return to the park gasping and panting

you approach your parents

”Eviwa find babbeh!”

Be Robert.

you sort of came to an arrangement with the local fluffy herd

you actually found them playing with one of your tennis balls once

at first you were a little pissed but you realized you had some use for them
fluffy foals were pretty fucking tasty

and due to their high reproduction rate

they were in no short supply

you figured you would just get rid of their excess foals and give em your fresher food waste

after all you might as well put those pizza crush to some use

you get out of your car, you meet them every Friday

it’s sort of amazing they can keep that time

also a reason you don’t like eating the ones that can talk

it just sort of feels weird to eat something that talks
like killing it maybe

but eating just sort of seems messed up

you return stopping your suv as you walk into the alley

box of spaghetti, leftover salad and pizza crust in hand

”Hey priest, I brought foo… oh my god.”
the place is a mess

The unicorn you named priest is either dead or pretty damn close to it

you aren’t sure if blunt force trauma or suffocation via huggies killed him

the little altar they made is also totally trashed

what the fuck happened.

maybe like a dog or something

but that can’t be right

there’d be a lot more dead and a lot more bite marks.
what did this?
a drunk hobo maybe

you look to see two chirpies crushed under boxes and hooves

well fuck.


“No this is not how fluffies act!” Said the grown adult talking about the behavior of a fictional species without a copyright or official canon.