Emerald and Cinnamon's foals (By: NekuChan & GloryKnight)

Ah, OK, was gonna say. The claw machines in real life would A) constantly drop them because of ‘teaser’ mechanic (calculated limit to payouts usually based on minimum number of ‘pulls’), B) Would not remotely be gentle enough.

The harpoon variant… I’m imagining a video screen with camera up top or a mirror (better), and the challenge is that they’ll try to dodge it.

There’s actually some nice info in the manuals for those ‘games of skill’ machines about rigging them to control number of payouts. For the most expensive payouts, you’d want higher number of pulls, but if you make it take more than a few pulls for cheaper items, no one will play. Come to think of it, every time I see one of these machines, I’ve not once seen anyone playing them. XD

still waiting for the sales but hopefully I’ll get one this year >:3

The expression in the last panel is GOLD. Just absolutely horrified.

What you are referencing is call skill mode by machine owners. Because you can get around that minimum number of pulls but its even harder then just winning the machines normally.

For the foals I thought about it and realized it made the most sense that its like Foals in the Can.
Either super cheap so you can keep trying and the foals know they get a home if they get picked up so they don’t try and run if the claw gets them.
Or its expensive but you get as many tries as you want.

Makes for a more fun experience

I’m actually curious if someone’s come up with a way for them to detect ‘harder’ prizes and make it take more money to win. Heavy stuff is the obvious way, but it would be cool if there was something like RFID. From what I understood, the ‘skill mode’ makes it release before it gets to the end. So you have to somehow get it to fall towards the goal. Like, moving things under, and bouncing off. That can take more money than just waiting on honest pull. :smiley:

100% a thing I bet or is a thing people are trying. Skill Mode is easy to detect on most machines though cause the machine cheats
That being said Holly wouldn’t do that.

I know she quit tennis after that

Mmm she took a break from it for a week but really enjoyed it so she went back just was more careful

Shit a dj mare? Now I gotta get in on that!

Man did the mare even had enough milk for 12 foals. Because that’s absolutely a lot.

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