Emerald and Cinnamon's foals (By: NekuChan & GloryKnight)

Emerald and Cinnamon’s 12 foals comic commission for @GloryKnight their fates have been DECIDED by the community and here are the results of the polls.

Foal #1: Is a happy stud at a breeding mill due to his bigger than usual wings and rare pattern.
Foal #2: Got adopted by @RainbowRottie and named Banshee to be a special friend of Frank.
Foal #3: A surrogate baby for a blind mare who lost her babies that turned into a surrogate mother once she grew.
Foal #4: Got adopted by me, named Cinnabun and helps as host to run the fluffy bakery of Luffies!
Foal #5: The smarty of the litter died young being used as ammo for a potato launcher at a science fair.
Foal #6: A toughie tht got buyed by a fluffy boxing trainer and ended up being a champ!
Foal #7: Due to her sparkly horn, got adopted by a DJ to be a cool add for the parties.
Foal #8: Gets adopted by someone who wants a special friend for their alicorn.
Foal #9 and #10: Since they were unseparable they got together into a fluffy crawl machine.
Foal #11: Slept in the wrong place at the wrong time, poor Holly.
Foal #12: Not here? Well, you can decide the little’s furball fate HERE

Also thank you all for the support! :two_hearts: Between non-fluffy and fluffy coms and some savings from my job I might be able to finally get me a new PC after almost a decade with my old laptop :'D Hope I get lucky for the Black Friday sales and get something before my laptop dies again like seems to be tradition every year ;w;U.


Cool art


At least most of them got happy endings. That is better than most fluffies get around here.

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OH NO, poor Holly and poor foal, neither of them deserved that, Holly is absolutely horrified at what she accidentally did, also on a side note I absolutely love Holly’s design.


I like the harness for the blind fluffy, neat idea.


Love seeing your art again and adorable as always just feel sad to the others and the poor brown one mistaken as a tennis ball :sweat_smile:


It’s better to be dead than suffer the constant humiliation of being a brown fluffy


aww ty! :3 been really busy latetly ;w;


Job well done. Love your art.


poor clothes, theyll never be the same


What about the very last brown foal?

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Same question. Lol. I noticed it was missing.

The sheer horror on her face. This isn’t the fun abuse I enjoy. This has… consequences for the psyche

Still really well drawn though, love your style.


A huge part is that it was purely accidental due to Holly being stressed and tired and the Foal sleeping in the wrong place at the wrong time, especially because Holly isn’t an abuser and cares for the fluffies and foals so to have accidentally killed one and in a pretty brutal way horrified her


Great job Neku and congrats on the new PC glad I could help a little bit with that.

This is true.

Thankyou I do really love Holly’s design as well and Neku did an amazing job with her.
She did not take this well

Holly needs her fluffs to stop pumping out so many kids its good for her savings bad for her mental health.
Especially if she learned how many got abused.

The answer is secret and for later lets just say I’m of a few minds.
But yeah 12 has one of a few fates sadly none of which are great though I do got a happy one just not sure which to do.
They were not included in all of this for reasons.

Exactly the point.
Not all abuse is intentional as they say
Holly did not take this incident well and it is going to lead into why she takes a few days off and speaks with a certain ‘witch’ which is very helpful


Thank you so much! Banshee and Frank are adorable together.


Huh, did that tennis ball feel warm? OH NO

It is a good question with the claw machines. How do they actually pick up foals in a way that doesn’t basically defeat the point? I mean, hug box or abuser, they both probably want to get it home. XD

I’m glad you love her took a bit long thanks to IRL but she is very cute.
I like the results that we got from the polls mixed with how some people took the adorable Banshee and Cinnabun.

Answers are as follows for the Holly Farms Continuity.

The basics are
There is Foal in a Can machines which the claw has a magnet so it always grabs a foal. They are the cheapest. And the abuser variants let you do terrible things to the foal after you nab it with the magnet.

Then the ones for live foals are as follows.

Claw Type
There is pronged claws that grab the foal safely so long as they do not struggle or have say another foal pull on them.
Magnet claws that give the foals small vests that are the safest as long as the foal does not struggle out of the vest well being picked up.
Harpoon Claws are literally that and basically only exists for being an abuser.

Herd Type
1: Momma and Babies. A group of 1 to 4 moms are in the machine with there babies. Only good moms that won’t stop the claw. The foals in these can be cherpees. The moms can also try and convince you to go after certain babies

2: Talkie Machines as the name suggests are just that the one that 9 & 10 are in no moms. The babies in these are talkies maybe exploring babies but rarely. The machine is usually a pen that can store 5 to 10 foals. They either have an automatic literbox or something so you only need to check on it every few days.
Holly got the machine for cheap and branded it as a Holly Farms claw machine. And yes will be making an appearance with 10 and some others in the future.

Endless Attempts: Just that you have as many attempts as possible until you snag a can or foal once you do it releases it and that is your prize. These are usually more expensive as you can keep trying until you succeed.
Paid Attempts: Like normal claw machine you pay a dollar or so and get 1 or 2 attempts to grab a foal.

Either way the can or foal is lowered or dropped into a container where you can extract them.
The bottoms are padded for drop ones.

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