Enfeeh pheromone - Bad Ending (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

Its not uncommon for creators to show a very young raped foal (ie, a chirpy, talkie, etc) dying shortly after. In theory its too physically traumatic for them, causing significant physical damage. An older is more likely to survive BUT regardless survivors are likely to suffer from Enfeeh Baby Syndrome in @anon68543914’s headcanon/continuity.

Remember: they’re being violated anally or orally by something significantly larger than the various body parts can handle. I think McDonnel had one comic that grapically showed the violation with evidence coming out of the other end. Its pretty horrific, really. They’re likely being pinned down, too.

So, small, fragile (even or ESPECIALLY by fluffy standards) baby is being ripped apart internally, possibly crushed for “gud feels.” It won’t be able to breath well at all, is likely suffering massive internal injuries, is panicking thus sending its blood pressure through the roof as it’s heart goes into overdrive, etc. One could argue the only thing crueler than that is it actually not dying during the process, lingering on instead before expiring.

I’m under the impression the main protagonist was violated a little older and physically survived but not unscarred. Note the diaper in the hugbox ending, plus the continued nightmares.

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Yes, he was assaulted when he was at the talkie stage. Although I hate to make an assessment on the likelihood of a Talkie surviving bad enfies, I suspect its probably close to a 40-50%. At the very least, the original Enfie babbeh, was incapable of making good poopies anymore. What a twisted head canon, either they die from severe trauma or live to forever be an outcast.

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Well, the whole idea of enfie babbeh is twisted to begin with. I’m not a fan of it, generally speaking. Something like this? Still uncomfortable, but the fact its not for laughs or “because fuck you” makesi t far more tolerable.


Indeed, tbh it all stemmed from a single image I saw a while back. I think its Schaferfraks, explaining an enfie babbeh (some fluffy unable to make good poopies crying about uncle Steve’s bad huggies). He mentioned enfie babies are looked down on and often ostracized, so I just wondered why. Considering fluffies are so baby crazy, why would an assaulted foal be neglected? Then I thought about how IRL rape victims face life long social stigma, and then tried to figure a way to tie it in to critters with limited mental capacity.



A tragic tale of a fluffy who didnt want to be a munstah but under such circumstances it happened.

Wish that stallion who did it to him get the worst karma if ever. :triumph:


Unresolved issues can cause problems. Untreated injuries can fester. If there’s anything I’m thankful for its that the younger people I see are taking mental health far more seriously than my generation did at their age.


Oooooh yeeeeesssss give me the dark shit that floats ma boat.


I don’t get what you mean here, yeah although he misspelled amen, he was just agreeing to the disclaimer (since a lot of people lately have been taking these multiple endings very personal). :confused:

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I guess you did a good story that it really hits hard on an emotional level like in Heart of Dsrkness.

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I’m glad you enjoyed the story as well as, A Heart of Darkness :slight_smile:

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Also incase anyone is wondering why he looks so gross and sickly, I imagine he probably picked up some fluffy equivalent of HIV/AIDS or like untreated syphilis. Ya know, just to hammer in the bad in the bad ending.


what about good ending?

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good ending already happened

Is this what you’re looking for? Enfeeh pheromone - Good Ending (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)


never mind

yes thank you

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Sweet lord! I love happy, gruesome endings :,)