Enfeeh pheromone (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

I don’t think its that deep, it hasn’t come up much since the reddit end banned that kind of stuff but there was always an underlying “Meanness” I guess toward “enfel babbehs” and I guess RAP decided to try and rationalize it in his work.


There’s no compassion in other fluffies but I approve of anything that causes suffering.


I bet the bad poopies problem for the enfie babbeh could be solved with foxhorder’s Anus gate


I’m kind of curious if the affect can be mimicked by other means. Like the deep cleaning of fluffies by Foxhoarder, were the owner cleans their fluffy’s colon with a Q-tip, I wonder if something similar to that would trigger the enfie smell.

I’m also curious on how sensitive the trigger is, too? I can’t wait for the explanation by RandomAirPeople on this lore.


It’s a wonder it even survived, and now this?


I’m sure there’s a lot of development that can happen on the idea. For instance, what is it about the act that causes it? Do males and female foals have the same reaction after being assaulted? Does this happen regardless of age? Or is it no longer a factor past the age of X?

Ugh… that’d be some dark fiction: a lab trying to figure all this out.


The idea on the whole is dark, but it does reinforce, at least for me, the old idea that fluffies originally didn’t distinguish from color, but my smell.

There was an old story from the booru that I liked that took the bestest babbeh from its mother and bleached out its smell and placed it back with its mother. The mother, after waking up, didnt know who this babbeh was and promptly killed it, believing it was a monster in disguise of its bestest babbeh.

RandomAirPeople, I am assuming, is playing off this and adding a darker element to it. I really wouldn’t be surprised if fluffies could smell traumas from other fluffies, other than sexual, in his lore. Just my opinion though.


It’s great
Can I translate it?


Fluffy owner: ‘ou am enfie babbeh nao!
Fluffy: nuuuuuuu!
Fluffy owner: gib speshaw huggies! *jams q-tip in its ass *
Fluffy: Screeeeeee!


Conversely, you could change the scent of the mother and see how the baby reacts.

I don’t know enough about RandomAirPeople’s writing intents. Heart of Darkness is very much about trauma, so its consistent with that. There’s a lot of room to work with both for darker stories as well as more realistic stories (recognizing that one does not necessitate the other). Hell, you could maybe do a story where a mare tries to overcome her revulsion or an adult enfie babbeh adopts others, making a herd (or sub-herd) in the process.


True. I dont know RandomAirPeople personally either, but when I read the enfie scent stayed with the fluffy the rest of its life, it reminded me of that story. I am not speaking on behalf of Random, just my casual observation.

I agree with you that a dark story and a realistic story, even covering the same subject, can be very different. There is potential there for more avenues that can delve deeper into the topic. You have made two excellent, interesting topic to cover with it.

We’ll just have to see what RandomAirPeople is planning next after the conclusion of Heart of Darkness.


Just feel sad on these enfie been outcasted even by mares :sob:

Nice info story @infraredturbine :+1: hope there is a cure for that scent of enfies.

It does remind me of that fluffy story if u guys remember bout a teacher and a bitch of a pregnant mare who never acknowledge his help always called him dummeh even he help her with her foals?

One part she dont like a foal smell until the teacher wash with scent soap and recognize as “good babbeh” just sayin its kinda like that.


Part of me hopes the issue isn’t entirely permanent. I could imagine it seeming that way because the stress and trauma continues indefinitely due to the ostracism of all the fluffies around them. If the fluffy who suffered the trauma could get away from that maybe once the memories or fear faded the scent would fade too.

But it’s just me speculating on possibilities. Other than that there may a lot of options, like herds or friends who share the same trauma being able to find comfort in each other at least.


I recall that story. I think there was a voice over for it too.


Yeah a group of enfies and have some scent candles to calm them down in their safe box for recovery. Or have them sold as solo it maybe sad but thats bout it i guess.


Yes its on YouTube but its gone now


That’s a shame. I’m not sure if it’s in images by others. I remember reading it on the booru first way back when.


Its a good story if whose at fault: the ungrateful, dumb mare or the teacher that left her to die in that room cause she never thanked him ever for all he done for her.


It is a well done debate piece, for sure.


From the description on the youtube, it did cause a debate over that :sweat_smile: .