Enfeeh pheromone (Commissioned for RandomAirPeople) (InfraredTurbine)

Given smell’s relation to taste I’d imagine that’s be quite detrimental to ferals. Harder to judge what food is good versus spoiled (pretteh versus no pretteh). It’d be interesting.

A pheromone malfunction could actually be used to redeem the entire concept of enfie babbehs. If a developmental disorder caused some foals to excrete adult mare pheromones, it would make the fluffies think “Oh? This baby is ready for special huggies even if it’s too young to understand it” rather than “RAPE AND KILL! SHIT ON THE WEAK AND TORTURE THE INNOCENT!”

The baby favoritism doesn’t make sense here either, as not even the most zero-budget methhead breeder would let a badly-colored foal reach adulthood before removing it himself, and the expensive investments of Hasbio grown in their labs would obviously have been under infinitely more constant care than that. But making enfie babbehs a result of unfortunate disorder would make baby rape fun rather than infuriating, and keep the fluffies innocently retarded rather than turn them into irredeemable engines of hatred.

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Eh, its not in their body long enough to matter too much.

The complete ejection of everything that goes in before its finished being sorted has to have some kind of benefit. Plus, Fluffies probably drink chemicals by default anyway.

There could be psychological harm. But Hugboxers can fall back on their ability to reason the way children who’s mental age they match do.
“Smells are good and give happies, but unfortunately when the very first Fluffies were born they were made to judge other Fluffies by how they smelled. But some good Fluffies smell in a way that made you think they were bad! Being mean to good Fluffies would make you a bad Fluffy, but all Fluffies just can’t help it! So we take away your smelly place power using the burny smell magic, so you can always be good Fluffies to good Fluffies!”
For extra Hugbox they get some decent spaghetti as a last meal, being told to remember the taste forever so all food will taste that way. It’ll depress them, but less overall suffering and shelters won’t have to constantly be dealing with the little fuckers shoving one of their number in shit for no reason and having it tracked all over or gave someone looking for a pet see all the candidates being schoolyard bullies picking on the retarded kid/rape victim (see the comic that points out how nobody would ever want to buy Fluffies due to how many are Hellgremlins).

Waiting for RandomAP’s Fluffy Verse cannon for a long time. But the Comic explained it really good on a surface level, professionell level is Not needed for useage of the concept.

PS love the artstyle

Enfie is usually explained by the canon that males are in fairly substantial physical misery unless they get off, and even then its almost always just ferals, Hellgremlin Smarties, or ones raised incredibly poorly. Only the most vile ones go for just any baby, they use the poorly colored “disposable” ones first. Males in most canons are dismissive of anything once they are done fucking it unless its specifically a monogamous mated pair.

I’m trying to work through plausible explanations of different Fluffy problems and strengths by sorting out breeds, mostly just named for artists, and why/how they are problems. Most just were Hasbio trying to test different ways of achieving the same results, like Fluffies having truly random colors in early runs as well as being able to always breed the same pattern in one group with random colors and always the same colors in random patterns in another. All with varying states of Programming being done.
When the PETA attack happens they all escape and start breeding together, but are naturally selected or genetically altered in further Hasbio experiments that get released, plus the work of breeders mixing traits they didn’t intend to mix and creating unexpected issues and alterations by amateur hobbyists later on. I am going off the idea that Enfie Babies are meant to be the mentality behind Stallions choosing to bang sperm collecting devices rather than Mares so the breeding stock would be easier to deal with, which is why its the high sex drive ones that do it most.
The programming of Fluffies is also different based on their heritage, but a lot of Fluffies see some others as not real Fluffies, the way Abusers rationalize abusing Fluffies with no moral issue by shrugging them off as biotoys rather than animals. I used that in the story I published today actually, part of a series delving into their programming/ free will and paralleling humans. The character has a reason to resent some Fluffies because she has to do something she doesn’t want to, so despite being taught (haven’t gone that far back yet with backstory) to love Alicorns and Poopies she still had the programming pop in to tell her its not just okay but actually good if she kills them.

I’m not a fan of it being pure instinct reaction. It diminishes programming, and also says they are incapable of overriding their instincts with use of free will. The two should be the main factors in Fluffy thought, putting an animal instinct above them feels off.

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It’s so cool to see everybody into this discussion about the idea :v


So they get treated how all rape victims are?

I assumed exactly that was a whole school of fluffy fiction.

You’re hard wired for trust and happiness?! Let’s see how much torture it takes to break through that!

Bonus points for sadbox mode, i.e. now that you have been broken, how much love and care does it take to bring you back to your hard wired trust-and-happiness state.

I love everything about this comic, from the rejection of other foals to the mummah right out kicking the green enfie, poopie baby right in the kisser. Like Pickles the drummer’s father use to say.

You belong in a garbage can. you enfie baby piece of shit.