enlarge breeding factory, remake [by Ms_Random]

(as pointed to me i did a suckie job on the first writing, i realized it later, i also did a rushed, job, so what i did is went over it, added and changed a few things, i hope you enjoyed reading, @Virga i can’t get grammarly cause i don’t have the right windows for it but i will try to fix my mistakes, but thank for telling about the fluffy translater, i forget it was a thing and it helped with the fluffy talk)

“Another day another dollar uh” a man in a uniform walk down a hall with a large remain fish tank on top was an container fill with peeping newborn who suckles on bottle installed into the tank. A few mothers to-be were singing to their unborn babbehs in pens with their “speicaw fwend!” he hated those shit rats but this job is easy and pays well enough. He went to his first pen of the day labeled #4215.

This breeding pair is a shitting brown male unicorn with green hair who busy calming, the mother to-be, a neo pink Alicorn with neo purple hair. She was schedule to be birthing her next batch today. The male went up with a worried looked, “speshuw fwend am soon mummah can fwuffies keep babbehs dis time?”

He flashes the fakest smiles he could, “you know at your babbehs can’t stay with you but don’t worries babbehs will go to nice daddeh and mummah.”

he just nodded and the man got to work, he place the birthing rack behind the female and tied her tail up, the rack had milk bottles prepped and at the ready for used, “alright brownie, make sure to lead the babbehs to the miwkies bottwes and get them nice and pwetty, I’ll be back real soon” the male fluffy nodded and gave a smile, “wiww do nice mistah.” He went down the hall with a frown, their all annoying shit.

He went to his next stop, pin #5431. He was meant to check on this pair seeing as the last guy set up the birthing rack on this one before they went to lunch. He could already hear peeping of the babbehs as he slips on some gloves. He went inside seeing the light purples mare had finished birthing and he was greeting with, “pwease nice mistah wet’s bubbwes keep babbehs, wiww be gud mummah an’ daddeh.”

He fakes another smile to the light blue stallion who was standing in front of birthing rack, “you know why I have to take those bubbles.”

Bubbles shake his head, “bubbwes nu cawe wan’ to keep babbehs.”

he frowns and crossed his arms, “bubbles you can’t keep them, or do I need to make “weggies” no work and get the “sorry stick” right now” bubbles tears up and shake his head and wobbles away to let him pass. There were six of them this time, two were shit colors but the rest were good colors. Both fluffies told them goodbye and be good babbehs as He remove the rack and left it outside and loading the newborns into the tank. He left the dirty rack next to the pin so the cleaners can deal with it.

He did a few more pairs before moving the newborn into their pin. The pin was filled with more bottles for them and the room was kept warm, the handlers gather the newborns and being to place them by color and types. The next part of his job is to take the now “tawkie” one to their sorting room. Sorting enlarge “babbehs” is pretty easy.

Enlarges “babbehs” show signs at their wanted because they grow bigger faster than other ones. They’ll be that less twitched the size of normal “babbehs.” the ones who don’t passed this test, go right into the grinders.

The ones who passed the size check get send into the training rooms. Each fluffy is fitting with special brace to keep their legs safe and so there always standing, they then begin learning what happen to fluffies who “nu wawk gud” and how to adjust to the leg braces, they have to wear.

He was giving the next batches of fluffies, these fluffies will go through another sorting this one more focus on if they carry the enlarge gene. If they don’t carry the enlarge gene and of bad colors, they put into the grinder. The rest are then taking to the training after having their harness place on their muzzles, the one with the enlarge gene are to be placed replacement breeders. Both shopper helper and household pets are place at random.

Replacement breeder female are trained to not panic when the birthing rack is place on them and not to bite handlers and cleaners. While males are train the same, they are trained to show newborn to the bottles with their muzzles and lick them clean. Their rewarded if job is done right, punished if they do it wrong.

Shopper helpers are fitted with poopie place blocker and saddles which has stuffies attachable to them. This toys are weighted, which grown heavy as needed while the enlarges grows. They are trained on following carts next to shopping parks; calling out if the weighted stuffie on their back is removed or has fallen. The last of their training go to ignoring the cries of other fluffies and any pets and dogs the owners have. Rewarding them when they do as told and Punishment for when their fail.

The household ones are trained like the shopper helper however their not trained in following shopping carts and not to ignore pets or other fluffies. The enlarge are filled with saddles have to them carries weighted stuffies. Punishment and reward are given when needed.

The man was given the last batch he had to deal with. The enlarge who now finished training. The enlarge are kept in pens where they await for someone to buy them.

Shopper helper are fixed and packed as soon as their ready to be send to the store who bought them.

Replacer breeders are place in breed pairs or replace ones who have no more use. The male are grinded up and females are used to produces milk till that used up then place in the grinders as well.

household pets will wait till bought but the selective few are lead to boxes where their rumps have images stamp onto them with special ink and then fixed so they can’t be breed by the store owners or workers. They then pack and then ship to whatever stores who will sell them.

The ones who were ordered online are prepped to be ship to their new homes. The color of fluffies and type come in from training. The enlarge given marks, if the buyer pick to have them mark. There also fix per owner requested or not. Anything else to be requested will be done if requested by owners