Epilogue 1 [by:FallenAngel]

i think so

Well, karma is a smarty.


Q: Why not shoot the fluffy to death?
A: I’m not a vet, but my understanding is that discharging a firearm on a base without prior authorization is a HUGE no-no.
Q: Why not beat the fluffy to death?
A: No reason I can see … it’d be fun!

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fluffies transforming into human ?
ok you did it
you touched the very fucking thing that would make me get really uncorfortable/scared that could happen in a fluffy universe xD
the art still impecable!

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Not if your a witch :sweat_smile: and she’s not happy that someone is using her suppose phase out machine for some weapon.

Its rarely gonna be used, Cassandra just makes it fit for that warfreak, she would just turn him to ash but for the fun of it she got that idea. :smiling_imp:

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wait the witch can turn people into fluffies… the monarchs have like some enemies they want gone

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:sweat_smile: only when needed she rare use polymorph on a living being but the general fits the category :sweat_smile:

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damn it! welp there always mimics

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Thats…oh god thats horrifying for my brain. The identity is gone the sense of self, only smarty and only smarty remains. No general. You are now insignificant, nobody will save you. Nobody will care. You are gone forever. (Identity destruction is a horror I….enjoy?)

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So that’s who the general was…?

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So who turned him into a fluffy? Cassandra? Isn’t she someone we’ve only seen in shadow like once before? And isn’t she into genetics and not magic? Seems like this comic is missing a few pages if you’re going to make her that omnipotent out of nowhere. You got to show your readers this, not just imply it. Especially if these types of fluffies show up again AND this guy was the one who created them. A bit too easy karmic retribution methinks.


I dont think its emplied shes omnipotent… I can see thst The Specialist gave her the horn and she scryed to find the general and then she invoked a curse on him. Also she has been shown to use magic in comics like The Path and Invited iirc

i like to think the soldier who found him kinda knows “yeah this is the general” but kinda didn’t like him so hes like withholding that theory until after they send the smarty thru the incenerator

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