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Let me guess, the guy got turned into a fluffy?
A fate worse than death.
Karmas a bitch
Yeap! Never mess with Cassandra especially her inventions, respect her decisions.
“And then she turned him into a fluffy. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”
Aaand the good guys are nigh omnipotent and mete out justice with impunity. Mmm. Comfy.
Also kudos the the MP for being fluffy level intelligent.
Only the bestes’ hoomins are allowed to enter their ranks.
No but for real, the General probably escaped out the window and is now on his way to Aruba.
The perfect crime. Now people will believe he was turned into a fluffy, while he sips some piñacolada on the beach.
Im sure nobody will believe him might have suspected he ran away under the radar as his crime was exposed.
Oooh! The mole on the cheek and named The General. Well, that certainly was a kind of payback. I found it funny that I thought “well, this is going a bit off the wall” but then again there’s been magic, spirits, and genetically altering devices. Don’t know why people becoming fluffies took me aback.
I’m surprised nobody has done “I turned myself into a fluffy, Morty!” yet.
well he can’t as his brain now a fluffy smarty and thinks like one. And the mp is an unwilling accomplish of erasing someone
I’m talking about Rick Sanchez, here. If he can keep his human mind in a pickle, he can keep his human mind in a fluffy.
Eat shit you prick. That’s what you get for making those monsters, Nana and Jimmy deserved better
Funniest shit I’ve seen!
I beat you to it.
Dammit XD
Ah, beautiful revenge!
Should we be concerned that someone can just waltz into a military installation and turn a high ranking official into a smarty?