Equus crinitus 02 (by Booperino)

Sequel to Equus crinitus 01 (by Booperino)

Part 2 of the docu series, from their first wiggles to their first steps!


Look how cute they are :heart_eyes::two_hearts:


So adorable…and of course, the blep. :blue_heart::orange_heart::blue_heart:

And I’m in the same mindset that choosing a “bestest babbeh” is a learned trait, at least 99% of the time, and it being a hard trait to break once adopted and ingrained.




Wonderful :revolving_hearts: :+1:


I mean, I personally do think that, being simple creatures, fluffies could develop it on their own, especially as ferals, where the usual “all babbehs are good babbehs” lesson can’t be readily taught (no flufftv, no daycare, no human owner), because, simply put, every human likes certain colours over others, so why shouldn’tfluffies?. In my personal HC, bestes’ babbehs aren’t automatically brats (Spike is a good example. His mother Marble has called him her “bestes’ big babbeh” on multiple occasions, but he hardly could be called bratty, selfish and/or spoiled).

After all, simply preferring one of your babies because they look like you/your mate/ you like a certain colour more, doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch about it, hitting foals or forcing them to dance if they want milk. Maybe the bestes’ will simply be the first to be fed, but will receive the same nourishment. Gotta write this down for the future.

Also @Booperino, heartwarming as usual. Though I have to admit, I am getting some unusually “jealousy will strike soon” vibes here…
Am I wrong?


I quite appreciate this series.


I didn’t know it took a month for newborn foals to go from sketch to fully colored drawings, lol.


I do agree, not saying impossible at all, but it definitely seems -far more likely- to develop from seeing/experiencing it than choosing to do it without an outside influence. I’m also more referring to mothers who choose a “favorite” moments after birth as opposed to developing a preference based on the behavior or actions of the foal as it grows into its own personality.


Of course, a mother having an immediate favourite is usually a red flag. However, I think it’s only natural, moreso when it comes to fluffies and their child level intellect.

‘Course, most times this results in blatant mistreatment of every babbeh beyond the bestes’ in most headcanons, but to me it makes more sense for mummahs with bestes’ to simply dote on them more/have them be the first at getting milkies and other nonsuch. Rather than depriving the others of love, one (or more) of them in particular may simply get an extra modicum of care compared to the others.

Sure the bitch mare is a possibility, but I have not yet seen a bestes’ be simply slightly advantaged over his siblings, instead always being ultra spoiled brats who mistreat their less pretty brothers and sisters.


I see “bestest” less likely to form naturally as opposed to “resources are limited so I have to make a pecking order in case sacrifices need to be made”. Just on a more instinctual level than with them using that exact understanding. i.e. allocating resources (food, love, attention, warmth, etc) to insurance the survival of the most possible.

Pragmatic versus being a selfish bitch.


I tend to see it this way as well, so you’ll find this happening most often in ferals or the children of ferals that haven’t been taught better. Why waste precious miwkies on a foal that probably won’t make it, or food is limited so miwkies are in short supply?


This is absolutely fantastic! I had never even considered looking so deeply into fluffies growing up, but this is like a whole new world of adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Wish there was more of this series