Evangelion game discussion area - Lothmar - mr owl - johnny john - I fluffy - rampage - booperino*

Opening this thread to start hammering out the last bits of characters and whatnot.

My schedule - (-5 hours from grenwich mean time, same as chicago)
Monday Not available
Tuesday-Friday: Available after 5 pm
Saturday: Usually have an evening or late game so 5pm+ is likely off unless my group is taking a break. Could potentially do an earlier session and end it before 5pm though.
Sunday: Free all day.

If we cannot find a proper time that works for participants the format will be changed to a play by post text game.


the evening of your saturday should be the early morning of my sunday. as long as i maintain my sleeping schedule that time works best for me. although due to my lax uni shcedual, i can do it on your sunday/my monday, but i can’t promise consistency in this case

I could do some saturday evenings but not always regularly as I’ve got a semi regular 5-10 game and sometimes a 11pm-1am after. I can stay up late on saturdays though but im trying not to if I can help it since it’s catching up to me now.

my monday your sunday it is then. i’ll find a way to make it work

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Im off Sunday all day

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Are we talking this Sundays right?

Probably not.

Need to fill out my main npc roster so im not winging everything.

Admittidly the first session will mostly be combat so I could~ (if it worked for everyones schedules)… But ima give boop a week to see if they find time to make a character.

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Okei dokei

Sunday works best for me but I can be flexible

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Anyone got any good tutorial videos or examples of DH gameplay? I could use all the help I can get for this game

Thanks! :metal:

I skipped to about 1:30 or so, yeah it’s definetIy anther system.

I’II post again if I find something reIevant after confirming.


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Owl made me aware that evas agility chart is not the standard human movement chart for agility. My bad on walking you through the wrong info, Fix your humans accordingly.

Also if you haven’t picked a nationality please do so that I can give you a little background info prior to your transfer to Berlin/Hamburg branch.

Choose a general weight and bodytype as well. It’s unlikely to come up but it could be the difference between someone being able to carry your or being forced to drag you in a scene.

Would people like the first session to start on the 9/17th, the 21st or later?

I’ll take as much prep time as I can get. But I also know i’ll keep stalling till people lose interest if I dont set something firm due to my procrastination habit. ~chuckle~

The 17th is a little soon for me

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More time for me then. :slight_smile:

The 21’st good or do you need more time?

It’ll probably be weekly or periodically dependent on peoples schedules.

Or we could just meet for battles and do general rp by post so people can go at their own pace… ~ponders~

Starting out with just battles to figure the game out sounds like a good idea to me

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Look for colorable art so we can get some Eva tokens.



I may have found our white orange black eva.

If someone finds a mini maker for them that allows coloring though let us know. :slight_smile: