Event: "Special Guest Week" 001 - This week's guest, CarniviousDuck

Hey Folks,
There’s an idea I’ve been tossing around for a minute.
With so many headcanons around our community, it seems to me that a nice way to sort of bring our worlds a little bit closer together might be to have crossovers from one story into another.
This event is intended as a way to encourage such crossovers.


Special Guest Week!

During a Special Guest Week, one iconic character from our community will be designated as The Guest. Anyone and everyone is welcomed to pull this character into their own comics, art, or stories. You are welcome to use the character however you wish within certain boundaries.
You cannot kill the character, or make it act against it’s typical inclinations.
In this instance, I will use The Duck as my example.
There have been hundreds of pieces showing The Duck as a malign force.
He has been seen terrifying numerous fluffies, and interacting/coordinating with other community creations such as the Fluff-Snek or even the Bioraptor.

But as odd as it might seem, The Duck has also been featured in a good number of hugbox entries.
Therefore, he is no stranger to empathy and camaraderie.
The Duck can be used in Abuse, Hugbox, Sadbox, and more;
But Weirdbox is strongly recommended.

Because The Duck is not a character that ever interacts with anthros, I’m afraid those characters would not be suited to this particular event.

This special event will run for seven days.
There are no awards currently planned for this event,
but I am open to the thoughts of our community.
Because this event has no awards associated with it, you can take as much time as you might need,
but we would like to see a whole lot of Duck in the next seven days, please.

Show us your ideas.


This is an awesome idea. I’m a huge fan of crossovers and cameos so I can’t wait to see the results, not only in this week but every week involving this. :smiley:





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F. C. U

Fluffy Cinematic Universe


I prefer to call it fluffyverse.


Well, whatever we call it
fluffies can’t pronounce it.


It’s something i liked from the early day’s of the booru, where artists would draw giftart of each others OC’s.

And I love seeing something like that here.

Like Carpdime fluffies or kitsune fluffies meeting my kitsune fluffies. A foxhoarder fluff teaming up with a SGG fluff.
A Pink fluff on a playdate with a Nova Umbra fluff.
Fluffies being social with a Thatmotherfluffer drink fluff.

That sort of thing.




I like this idea! It’s basically everyone’s “avatar” exploring the fluffy multiverse and visiting each creator’s world! Gotta get some Duck this week!


I see no reason why this event can’t be melded with one of our three Flufftober prompt lists.
So if you like killing two fluffies with one stone, there’s a thought to consider.


I’m first thought was :(grape and duck getting high as fuck together)

But I don’t think I can participate in this one. I’m already working on a big thingy ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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If anyone asks what the difference between a normal duck and my carnivorous ducks its this:


That actually helps a lot, thanks CD!