Evolution of a smarty. (by: artist-kun)

The German word for pony is…
brace yourself

Well even the foal was 5 days old you have to correct the foal directly. So that means, punish the foal directly that he/she know what is acceptable and what not.

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What mean “widdle babbeh” because I read this a lot of times, but I can’t translate it to a good Enlish word. Enlish is not my native language, that’s way also.

little baby


Little baby. It is commonly used to avoid punishment/abuse which doesn’t work too well.

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it means little baby, they are programmed to be aware that they are babies to make them cuter. However, I find this as them blaming their age to do whatever they want

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True. And that what makes the abuse all the more sweeter. I love some of the old stuff from the booru that put them in a catch 22 situation to make them think they did wrong on their own. Conceptually, at least for me, the ‘wide babbeh’ line was there from the start that way the kids knows not to be too rough with them but wasn’t fixed to just rough encounters with kids and applied to just about everything they did. Good or bad.

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May it die like a bitch.

That ‘wittwe babbeh’ thing pisses me off but in a good way? I mean, he’s still fuckin’ cute…

It’s like the sorry box but you fill it with fire ants.

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Well punishment from the beginning is better, that will learn them directly that they can’t shit where they want.

The punishment for a foal can be no toys or no milk for a day. Nothing that will harm them directly physically.

It can also be a physical punishment for the mother (if the mare is still with the foal) that she will hate the foal for a short moment. So it will be a mental punishment.

Or another mental punishment is giving the foal a hat with bad pooper or stupid foal written on, so it get bullied by the other fluffies/foals (if you have more 1 fluffy).

If you have one play a record that calls the foal a stupid shitfoal or something and that “bad babbehs” make “bad poopies” that’s also a mental punishment.

You can also giving the foal the sorry box.

There are a lot options, that punish a foal without physical harming the foal.

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