Excerpts from Assisted Fluffy Digestion (by Chikahiro)

Was thinking the same
When I used the Trap Foal I tried to think of a made up company name that involved your user name.


So, I’ve yet to write it but in essence: Chikahiro Multiversal is me.

Creators (us) have our own little world(s). We populate them as we see fit, assign them the “rules” we think apply while putting away the ones we don’t (setting conventions, genres, etc), then create our works around those in our chosen mediums.

Some creators like to nod at the 4th wall in fiction. Chikahiro Multiversal is an active entity outside that 4th wall making things for creators.

The Trap Foal is an early example. I think it’s been in two works since introduction, and they couldn’t be more different. This is another.

Payment is… Sort of abstract. Mental essence from pride, satisfaction, fame or notoriety. Basically the stuff and feelings we get from making something that other people use and enjoy.

Incidentally, this is the universe my photo plus drawing fluffies live in.

So the idea here you’ve got your setting and import this into your world. The core ideas are absolutely present but specifics change. In one setting it’s from some FDA grant recipient. From another it’s from a massive Future Farmers Of America project, printed on nice paper and coil bound sitting on a breeder’s shelf with sticky notes and highlights. In another it’s an internal report for Hasbio Foods trying to eke out another 1% margin from fluffy meat sales. In another it’s been spread out across 12 months of a sustainable living magazine.

Hell, in one setting it’s merely mentioned and somehow a cave dwelling herd stumbles upon making it’s own fermented chow, unaware the cave is loaded with bacteria that cheese makers go nuts for.

In each setting the means of obtaining the information, the materials, etc, change to be compatible with it.

Does that make sense? It’s an attempt at almost plug and play story material. Enough depth (and I did maybe an hour of actual poking around online) to have some believability but not assuming it’s usage. Hippie commune to yuppie “farm” to breeder mills to massive fluffy spewing operations. Pets to food livestock to cheap fur and other products.


Re: the Multiversal market. I’ve already got one small example of a transaction in mind where my character obtains/licenses an idea then customizes it to make a Trap Foal payload.

The core ideas of fluffies are OSS (Open Source Setting). But some things are proprietary with fair use. The Bluey and Pinky shirt that Hippolyta wore in a comic I did recently would be fair use. Actually sound a story with Bluey and Pinky would not be. I’d require permission (a license) to do so, complete with terms and conditions from eded_ted.


This makes so much sense and I can’t believe the thought hadn’t ever crossed my mind. Thank you for this. :brown_heart::brown_heart::brown_heart:


Plug and play fiction? Or working on real ways/reasons to improve fluffy nutrition?

You’re welcome either way, @Aurix :grinning:


Oh, and @thk - note the Misery Rating. I think that idea alone had a lot of potential. Imagine making a high poop to food kibble… It’s MR ought be fairly high. But you could work on ways to lower it via additives, treatments, whatever while processing it to reduce the MR. Or make it worse (essentially making abuser chow).

Kibble ought have a worse MR to real food but be better than eating rotten trash by a good margin.


Just all the details of the premise and benefits of second harvest. Lol

In my headcannon it does address some details of nutritional absorption that is linked to fluffy types. :grin: Earthie tend to have better absorption resulting in a larger size and strength. I also include an unintended Runt subtype that suffers from terrible nutritional absorption.


Thanks! I think I made a faux company name… BioControl…? in the original piece. But I can get wordy and ad copy is dull to read :stuck_out_tongue:


Gotcha. Rabbits were the initial inspiration (was a little grossed out by that when I learned how they ready, not gonna lie), but a first digestion being replaced with pre-digestion made sense, could be implemented easier and by anyone, etc.

Just don’t let the little dizzies near your home made kombucha. They’ll eat that mother mold thing!

Actually… The Margaret’s Garden story has her pickling some of their harvest. Fluffy Harvest Moon sounds appealing…


Fluffy RE7 too.

Imagine a Fluffy that can throw you through a wall, always comes back, and is Evie’s personal pet.

Or worse, a herd wandering the bayou and spreading her influence through shit trails.


OSS should be a new tag.


I’ve not played an RE since the one on the Dreamcast.

Side thought: I set it up this way so there’s always a reference but it’s never absolute. Hell, it could be dead wrong in one setting or have serious issues (“They didn’t realize the real proven was…”). Did that so there’s no canon tripping over.


You dodged a bullet barrage on everything between 4 and 7.


shrugs It’s not my thing. I do live me some fighting games though.


Hrm… maybe a different term should show up lest it throw folks looking for LibreOffice here.


I don’t know if you could get fecal-feed fluffies for food approved, at least not here with SENASA but no idea how low the USDA is willing to go.

Also did I miss something or recycled fluffies are not included as a source of food? why is that? risk of spongiform diesease?

In my HC fluffies are resistant to prion disease because one of the animals in which its based , the rabbit, is prion resistant thanks to sequence S174. Of course hasbio didnt plan for this since the last thing they thought was that their super-premium biotoys would be used as cheap food, just an accidental “feature”.

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I didn’t include recycled fluffies on this because I didn’t think of it. I think that’d be a separate piece.

I went off another author (I think Differential Sloth?) that had a story where prion disease was a concern. So, at the end of the story all that really changed of substance was recycled fluffies lost their heads before being processed.

My base assumption is any sufficiently large industry that is regulated will try to subvert the regulating body one way or another. Either they’ll try to remove regulations OR weaponize it so new competitors can’t come into the market easily. At least for the US.

If we go with “fluffies aren’t legally animals,” that leaves them unregulated in a fair number of ways. This includes diet. I wrote this particular piece with the understanding its context could be changed. So, maybe it is in the past or future for a particular story. Maybe it was a hopeful advancement. Maybe a disgusting past. Regardless, its there as I tried to figure out a way to make use of the poop-eating silliness fluffies have as accepted canon.

I mean, hell, I’ve got one fraction of an idea where ferals have poop as their “omg we’ve come to this” emergency food supply for winter.

Breeding as pets its barely regulated but for fluffies for human consumption are very strictly regulated and in some places even banned.

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I saw the generations of manure are pasteurized- is the purpose then the breakdown of cellulose to allow other nutrients to be absorbed?

Following the kombucha train of thought, how would one factor in a supplement of that? I’m thinking down-to-earth hippie just sharing their own brew by adding it to their water

There is a distinction between 1st and 2nd gen manure- how would that be determined? Is each food option being separated out? It doesnt make much sense cause even if you serve separate meals of the individual components there’s no guarantee of what the contents of the fluffy poop are actually

There was no mention of whether the poop would be solid or liquid- would the consistency of the stool be handled by fiber supplements?

I don’t intend for this to be interrogatory, just a series of questions I thought of while reading your post and all the comments

Right. Since the generally accepted idea is that fluffies don’t have very good digestive systems that a lot of nutrients aren’t absorbed. Cellulose can be hard to digest for us (oh immortal corn, plus some veggies NEED to be cooked for us to get maximum benefit from), nevermind a fluffy. So, you’ve got all this poop which is really full of undigested material. You can make wonder manure fertilizer, or pasteurize it to make it safe for consumption. Well and hopefully do something about the smell and taste to its more palateable.

I don’t know enough about kombucha, truthfully.

1st generation means the fluffies ate normally, and it is the resulting fecal matter. 2nd generation would be feces resulting from eating a meal supplemented with pre-digested material. You’d keep them separate by timing: feed them normally at night (body can rest and focus on digestion), poop before breakfast (collect 1st generation), breakfast can have 1st generation, poop before lunch (collect 2nd generation), lunch might have 2nd generation, poop before dinner (3rd generation), normal dinner.

OR, you can give younger fluffies, expectant mothers, nursing mothers, etc., whole/normal food, then give the other fluffies 1st and 2nd generation supplemented meals. Or just 1st generation.

Fiber rich foods are cheap, so I think having that in there is a no brainer. What’s the poop like? Dunno. Thing is it gets pastuerized, and after that can get further processed. If its runny or liquidy it can get reduced via evaporation (recycling the water) til its more manageable. If its solid, water can be added for the same reasons.

The big thing is for fermentation there still needs to be sugars present, and that’s not hard for original food or the fecal matter. Its all about pre-digestion, maximizing nutrient availability, and minimizing waste. Arguably the trade-off is you lose the fertilizer potency, but given the volume of poop made? I don’t think its that big a deal. Additionally, letting the poop ferment would generate methane, which could then be used for electricity generation, warming during cold times, harvesting for sale, etc.

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