Exodus Heist part 1 by (that1hugboxer)

You are… well you don’t have a name yet

But you are a fluff on a mission

Before you are the multi ton doors to a hasbio foal-in-a-can distribution center

You take a deep breath and approach the doors

In one swift motion you rip the doors off the hinges as if they were nothing more than soda can tabs

The alarms immediately sound as security guards rush the front entrance

They were truly not prepared to find a fluffy as the intruder

Despite their confusion they open

Throwing a ship’s biscuit at you would have yielded the same result

They continue firing until the barrels of their guns warped from the heat buildup

You then attempt to walk past them peacefully

They initiate confrontation and you kill them

Well not all of them

One of them had the good sense to leave as if nothing happened

You make your way to the production room

It’s worse than you could have possibly imagined

The employees attempt to stop you but quickly realize that a new career would be the better alternative

You unhook the mares and stallions from their hellish torment

Then collect all the foals both inside the building and those being loaded onto the the delivery trucks

You then signal for your herd to help transport the newly liberated fluffies

Back to your hideout

You return inside the facility where the employees are tied up

“I need a list of every foal-in-a-can vendor that is supplied by this facility”

One of the employees an arrogant floor supervisor pipes up

“I have no intention of divulging that information! Especially not to a damned biotoy!”

You smile

“Ok have it your way”

You drag her over to where the mares were hooked up

You grab a handful feeding tube

“Is there anything you want to tell me? Anything at all?”

“ I… I don’t have clearance to access that information “

You sigh

“Wrong answer”

Shove every feeding tubes down her throat

You then turn on the feeding machine

A series of muffled gargled screams fill the production room floor

You turn your attention to the other employees

“I’m going to keep asking until I get the correct answer”

One of them starts talking

“The Forman has that information. He’s out for dinner right now in the cafeteria!”

You instruct some of your herd to “finish the installation process for the floor supervisor”

You head over to the cafeteria

The Forman quickly realizes what is going on and gives you all the information you need

You return to the production room

And see what a fine job your herd did with the “instillation”

Now you and your herd hit every vendor on the list

By the end there’s not a single foal-in-a-can within a 20 mile radius

You and your heard return to the hideout

You come to the realization that most if not all of the rescued mares and stallions are missing teeth limbs and other crucial pieces of their bodies

You know its possible to clone fluffies so it should be just as possible to clone individual pieces

The only people who would know how to do that would be hasbio geneticists

Perhaps you should pay them a visit