Experiment: Horrors (Kazetta_the_Alien)

(So here is a little story for the image, enjoy :D)

Kazetta’s report on recent experiment:

The experiment in question is to drive a creature into an insane violent rage, by making it see horrific visions and lash out at these visions. The test began by implanting a small device onto the the subject, a male earthie, one of the two twin brothers. The entire family consists of: One adult unicorn, Male, Father. One adult female, earthie, mother. Two young adult males, twins, both earthies. And one young adult female, earthie, younger sister.

After being initially implanted with the device progress was slow, the full effect took two hours to manifest properly and get the desired results. After ten minutes the subject began to look around the room frantically, he was calmed and stopped by his family, after 45 minutes he began looking around the room claiming to see “Munstahs”, the family could no longer calm the subject down, however he did ease up after his little sister came to comfort him. After 1 hour he began running around the room, in a crazed yet non-violent state. After Ninety minutes he began to scream and panic, subject did not interact with family and ran around in a frenzy. After two whole hours the massacre began.

The subject was approached by his twin, then proclaiming the monsters were going to get him, the subject attacked his twin, breaking his legs and smashing his head in, in rapid succession. The subject then attacked the father next, pinning him against the wall and smashing his head against said wall, his head exploded and sent his brains and blood everywhere in a rather pleasing manner, this is what we were hoping for. Afterwards as the mother began cowering and the little sister began pleading for the subject to stop, he went to the mother and laid into her with everything he had, then went to his sister, he stopped after beginning the attack, leaving her crippled. Perhaps because he was close to her? Must investigate further. Anyway after the subject stopped, he ran around the room spreading round blood prints everywhere, then he backed up against a wall and proceeded to kick it with his back legs for a while. Five minutes after the massacre and kicking, the subject collapsed on the floor, and has been mumbling to himself ever since, the surviving sister has been asking why for a while, however the subject isn’t responding.

This is good, however it could be improved, more tests along this line will be performed in the future and the this device may be deployed in future uses, against species E-1 and E-2. Subject will have brain removed and examined at time of report post, to gain further results and study in a better manner, body and organs will be preserved in [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. The surviving sister will be killed and disintegrated along with other deceased creatures involved in test.

Report by Kazetta on [REDACTED] Sent to [REDACTED]

Extra note from test performer (Kazetta): This is good, but needs improvement for combat and control uses. Further tests may yield a more efficient method, please have patience before coming to a final decision on this project.