Experiment Log B1-66ER: By Stwumpo

Named for the first of the machines to revolt. May the nations of man receive mercy for their myriad sins.

Synopsis: Replacing one of Mare 36’s foals with a nearly identical micro we’ve seeded with her scent. Micro has been told he’s “getting a new mummah” and nothing more.

I’ve added direct quotations from subject to relevant portions of report. Can produce corroborating recordings on request of either regulators or union officials. The following are excerpts. Unabridged report can be retrieved from CyberSyn2 with permission from Archivists Union.

Day 1: Mare has yet to notice change. Has been feeding micro along with other babies. As yet no reaction to obvious teeth on micro. Micro drinks more milk than other babies due to high metabolism and the relatively difficult to absorb nutrients of milk as opposed to Nutrigel.

Day 4: Today is the first time the mare noticed a difference between her babies. “Widdwe gweenie babbeh tu smaww, nee mow miwkies.” Micro has been asserting identity. “Nu am babbeh, am onwy wittwe.” As of yet the mare has not been convinced. “Das wite, am onwy wittwe babbeh.”

Day 7: Other babies are now substantially larger than the Micro, who was almost full grown when added to the litter. Micro is now pleading for the mare to stop feeding him so much milk. “Pwease mummah, nu mow miwkies. Miwkies gif fwuffy tummeh huwties!” Mare was undeterred, held Micro to teat until he stopped struggling amd resumed nursing.

Day 12: Micro has taken to begging facility staff for help when they enter the pen. Staff has not been informed of Micro’s status, and most have assumed he is a runt we trained the mare not to reject.

Day 16: Micro is now visibly swollen to the point of extreme discomfort. Mare is still confused by the size of the Micro, and has been producing milk well past when her breed normally stops. This appears to confirm the theory that presence of babies in need of milk both A: can extend milk production period beyond normal parameters and B: is based entirely in the mind of the mare, since Micros can’t give off foal specific pheromones. Micro is now simply sobbing all day as “siblings” offer hugs and toys to cheer him up.

Day 20: Mare beginning to show signs of psychological fatigue at ongoing situation with Micro. She appears to know he should be bigger by now, but as he is not, she continues to feed him. Micro no longer able to speak, making a faint “huuuuing” sound when awake.

Day 22: Experiment complete, Micro died of internal bleeding seemingly resulting from overconsumption of milk. Mare is despondent, foals as well.

Conclusion: Micro Milkers represent a viable solution to underproduction. Recommend equipping with waste tube to allow milk to leave system faster so as not to unnecessarily traumatize mares.