Experiment Report: Investigation into SCP-6621 Origins 2 (Barrel2s1coool)


Item #: SCP-6621 - “Fluffy Ponies”
Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-6621 specimens are housed in a secure biome-mimetic enclosure at Site-██, simulating a small grassy pasture. Specimens are provided with enrichment items, safe food, and monitored veterinary care. Any feral SCP-6621 recovered from external environments must undergo decontamination, health assessments, and quarantine before joining the herd.

Exploration of SCP-6621’s native dimension is restricted to authorized personnel and requires Ethics Committee approval. Testing and retrieval missions involving D-Class personnel must adhere to strict ethical guidelines to prevent undue harm to SCP-6621 specimens or subject personnel.

Experiment Log 6621-05

Date: ██/██/20██
Lead Researcher: Dr. Evelyn Cresswell
Objective: To investigate SCP-6621’s native dimension and its societal structures, specifically focusing on the treatment and breeding of feral SCP-6621.

Subject: D-Class Personnel D-5284, female, age 28. D-5284 has a criminal background related to a VHS bootlegging operation and involvement in a police shootout. Subject has shown a cooperative disposition and a noted fondness for SCP-6621 specimens following containment interactions.

Equipment Provided:

  • A reinforced carry box.
  • Standard body camera and microphone for live recording.
  • A backpack containing basic medical supplies, food, and documentation tools.

Experiment Initiation:
A stable interdimensional portal was opened using SCP-████. D-5284 entered the portal with instructions to observe and document SCP-6621-related phenomena.

Transcript of Exploration


(D-5284 emerges into a brightly lit, pastel-colored urban environment. The atmosphere is overly saturated with bright hues, and buildings are adorned with childlike fonts and imagery of SCP-6621 specimens.)

D-5284: (Sarcastic) “It’s like I just walked into a candy-colored nightmare. Let’s hope this is worth the trip.”

(The camera pans to a bustling street. SCP-6621 specimens are seen wandering freely, interacting with passersby. Some are escorted by humans, while others beg for food near restaurant dumpsters.)

(The sound of distress draws D-5284’s attention to an alley beside a brightly lit restaurant. A feral SCP-6621 mare with light brown fur and five foals is cornered by a uniformed employee wielding a broom.)

Employee: “Damn vermin Fluffies! Always scavenging! Get lost!”

Mare: (Crying in “Fluffy Talk”) “Pwease nu huwt! Babbehs hungwy! Mummah twy find nummies!”

(The employee raises the broom to strike. D-5284 intervenes, shouting.)

D-5284: “Hey! Back off!”

(The employee freezes as D-5284 grabs the broom. She places the mare and foals into the carry box.)

Employee: “Whatever. Those things breed like rats anyway.”

(The camera focuses on the mare huddling protectively over her foals inside the box. The foals squeak softly.)

Mare: “Tank yoo, nice wady… babbehs safe now…”

D-5284: (Softly) “Yeah, you’re safe. Let’s keep moving.”

(D-5284 proceeds down the street and enters a building labeled “Fluffmart - A Hasbio Company™.” Inside, the store resembles a massive retail outlet, filled with products and enclosures dedicated to SCP-6621 care.)

D-5284: (Muttering) “This place again. Let’s see what they’re hiding this time.”

(As she navigates the store, D-5284 encounters a heavily restricted section marked “Authorized Personnel Only.” She uses a crowbar from her pack to pry the door open. Inside, the room is dimly lit, filled with rows of SCP-6621 mares connected to mechanical milking devices.)

D-5284: “What the hell is this?”

(The camera focuses on the mares, nicknamed “Milkbag Fluffies,” immobilized and disfigured. Many lack legs, have visible surgical scars, and show signs of malnutrition. Some are blind or toothless.)

Milkbag Fluffy: (Weakly) “Pwease… mummah wan’ huggies… nu wan’ miwkies no mowe…”

(D-5284 discovers a trash can filled with deceased SCP-6621 specimens, including foals and adult mares. Most have fur colors matching the feral mare and her foals.)

D-5284: (Shaking) “This is sick… I’ve seen bad stuff, but this…”

(D-5284 exits the room quickly, carrying the feral family in the box. She retrieves supplies from the main store before returning to the portal.)


Post-Experiment Analysis

Upon returning to Site-██, the feral mare and her foals were quarantined and treated for severe malnutrition, tapeworms, and minor injuries. After recovery, they were introduced to the main SCP-6621 herd, displaying rapid bonding behaviors.

Analysis of Fluffmart products revealed a corporate-driven exploitation system designed to maximize SCP-6621 reproduction and milk production. The treatment of “Milkbag Fluffies” represents severe ethical violations. The trash can’s contents confirmed mass disposal of less viable SCP-6621 specimens.

Addendum 6621-05-1:
The Ethics Committee has flagged SCP-6621’s dimension for potential intervention. Discussion is ongoing regarding the Foundation’s role in mitigating systemic cruelty in alternate universes.

Note from Dr. Cresswell:
“This experiment proves that SCP-6621’s native dimension is as much a dystopia as it is a paradise. These creatures were designed to be disposable playthings, yet they’re living beings. We need to tread carefully—what we do here could define the Foundation’s role in addressing anomalies beyond containment.”


I never expected the SCP foundation to be close to the hugbox end of the spectrum when it comes to fluffies.
But this is just the beginning of their investigations so I suppose that much can change before they’re done.

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Yea. Although they had D-Class

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Contrary to expectations, 6621 does NOT appear to originate from Wondertainment.


I think this could be an interesting way to get an in universe, outsiders perspective on the general antisocial behavior so many humans show towards fluffies in fluffy stories. I don’t think the foundation would be losing any sleep over dead fluffies, but the level of cruelty that is socially acceptable in universe can be astounding at times.

I mean, The SCP Foundation had D-Class, which are mostly death row inmates