Extra Log: The mare was rushed to the nurses and is recovering slowly, she almost had a head trauma as the box is made out of pure steel. We didn’t clear the bestest after the entire day because Dr. Evergreen said we didn’t do it, so tomorrow she will complete three days without milk and without being clean. Well, as a employee, I kind of think this is overkill, but if he said so, we will obey. He said we could only feed her in the tenth day.
Aqua hates Breeze a lot, so does Cocoa, the difference is that Cocoa suffered more abuses from her and is still afraid. She received “worst poopies” from both.
Note to Staff: Ignore Breeze’s pleas, all of them, if necessary leave her alone in the cage for a few hours and take the others to a separate cage in the mean time. Again, orders from the higher ups.