Extra Log: When the subject got out of its box, it was punished succesfully, however, now her time outside of it is only 30 minutes, as she is starting to show symptoms of the smarty syndrome and kept verbally abusing the poopie. Even though she is starting to have difficulty in moving because of her growing udders, she tried to run away. You know what to do with this information, employee.
Note to Staff: Ensure the mare has one of its senses taken away for the next day, mainly the vision. Don’t restrain it, just blindfold it for the entirety of the next day, ONLY removing the blindfold on the morning of the sixth day. If the subject becomes violent, take one of its legs, permission granted by Dr. Evergreen.
It’s to see how long it takes to completely break a feral mare and to see how long can a mare survive with the udders in pain without feeding its foals.