Note to Staff: Tomorrow’s the day. Clean, feed and unrestrain Breeze just like planned before Dr. Evergreen arrives, he wants all the fluffies to be in one piece when he arrives. However, put Breeze in a separate cage as she will most likely try to attack her siblings. Don’t mess with the mare, just clean her and give her some spaghetti, she’s gonna react as soon as she smells it.
As for the stallion, keep him in the Loveluff Experimentation room. He won’t see the light of day ever again.
Release the foals and the mare at the same time, but Breeze by her mother’s side to prevent violence.
Prepare the doctor’s sorry stick. He wants the one with razors, as he warned to some employees. He will use it if the mare doesn’t stop the violence (if it occurs).
I feel like at this point, the mare and Breeze are way past beyond the point of saving. They both seem to have been broken and reduced mentally to a catatonic state (Breeze’s wan die loop and the mare’s lack of stimuli to the electric shocks are proof enough). Fluffies have been know to wither away from “heart hurties” before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if these two decided to stop living altogether.
It looks like the mare wants to die already and gave up on everything, but I bet if Breeze were released right there she would try to kill her siblings
That’s also a fair point. The mare has resigned herself to her fate of not being a good mother and not deserving foals, not even wanting her bestest. Breeze would probably want to kill their sibling, but having been so malnourished from eating droppings and with both Cocoa and Aqua standing up to their smarty sibling to the point of even beating them to submission (it’s hard to oppress someone when they’ve finally stripped you of your fascade power), her desire will might as well be a pipe dream