Experiment "Worst Times": End/Freedom (EchoBro)

Good story)

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If you want to go absurd, then yes they would burst and explode.

If you want verisimilitude, then the tissues would rupture internally, accelerating the rate of infection and earlier sepsis.


Also good point about the wan die loop.
I’m still working in that concept, so that’s why it didn’t look pretty well.

I saw a lot of posts of wan die before this, but still have to put it in practice in my canon.

So you can consider it a HALF wan die loop, I guess?
But still, thanks for this, I’ll improve next time, pal : )


The problem is that too many mediocre and poor writers use the ‘wan die’ loop as a crutch for good writing, which ends up cheapening the whole concept.

They want to depict the abuser as a master of torment on par with the Marquis de Sade, but don’t have the imagination/ability/effort to write that and instead just bang out any old slop and slap the ‘wan die’ label on top.

As any good writer knows ‘show, don’t tell’; I remember reading a parody where a fluffy stubs its hoof on the floor, causing it to scream “WOWTEST HUWTIES! WAN DIE!”.

Compare that to the abuse that Bonnie suffers in Poopiest_of_bebbehs’ Bonnie VS: The Aristocrats, which lasts many months, with her ‘Wan Die’ loop being finally triggered by being forced to apologise to her secret rapist abuser by her human mother, just after the rapist has murdered one of Bonnie’s newborn foals, hiding the act under the guise of the foal being stillborn.


That was the most cruel thing I could imagine. I think that the build-up was what sold it in the end.