Experiment "Worst Times": End/Freedom (EchoBro)

Dr. Evergreen: Are the subjects ready?

Staff: Of course, Dr. Evergreen. Should I release them now from their cages?

Dr. Evergreen: Yes, do it.

The staff released the subjects, Breeze is released right beside the mare and the other foals are released a bit away from them to prevent violence. Breeze was the first one to react, cowering to her mummah before threating it and going after Cocoa and Aqua.

Breeze: M-mummah! Pweas, sabe bestest babbeh fwom munstah babbehs! Huuuuhuuuu! She ran towards her mare and cowered between her milkies as she tried to hide

Breeze: Mummah? Why nu tawkie to bestest babbeh? Peep chirp She just realized that the mare didn’t move nor try to soothe her

Breeze: Gib bestest miwkies NAO o gun gib yu an’ oda babbehs fowebah sweepies! She stomps on the floor, looking at her mummah while pouting. The mare didn’t react, so Breeze gave her some sorry hoofies before turning to her siblings

Cocoa: S-sissy? Why am angwy…?! He cowered beside Aqua, looking with tear-filled eyes as Breeze got closer

Breeze: Yu make mummah dummeh, nao yu get fowebah sweepies, stoopeh poopeh! After that, she ran towards her siblings, specifically Cocoa, lowering her head to him as if she had a horn to impale him with

Dr. Evergreen: Oh no, you won’t!

Dr. Evergreen had to interfere, he picked up Breeze by her tail and started hitting her with his custom sorry stick, scratching and cutting her skin as he punished her.

Breeze: EEEEEE! BAD UPSIES! MUNSTAH DADDEH! AM ONWY WIDDOW BABBEH, NU HUWTIES!! She screamed and started to shit herself, shaking her hoofs around as she tried to make him let her go

Dr. Evergreen: You’re such a coward for a fluffy who threathens its mummah and hurts its sibling, huh? Gotta teach you a lesson you won’t forget ever. He raised the razor sorry stick he had in hands and began hitting Breeze brutally with it

Breeze: EEEEEEE! NU MOWE! AM GUD BABBEH! PIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPI! She begged for her dear life while getting beaten, cuts spreading throughout her entire body and cutting her tail as she also squirmed. One of the razor got into her left eye, blinding it for good

During the beating, the foals kept cowering beside their mummah, but her… She didn’t react at all, she just kept staring, no tears, no whimpers, nothing. She can be considered a derped fluffy now, as she didn’t even react to the pain in her udders when the poopie and the blue one drank her milk.

After a beating that almost took 10 minutes, in which she lost part of her tail, Breeze fell on the scaredy poopies she made while getting beaten and entered a half wan die loop.

Breeze: Wan die… wan die… am wowst babbeh… wan die… Pweas, munstah daddeh, jus’ kiww babbeh… Huuhuuuu… She was covering her face with her hoofs, trembling as she begged for death already

Dr. Evergreen: Nah, you’re going to a Fluffy Mill to become a milkbag in the future. As for your siblings and mummah, I have plans for them… He said as he looked at the foals feeding on the mare. The foals looked happy while feeding even though they heard all the beating and screaming from their sister, but the mare kept unresponsive

After they were freed, Dr. Evergreen took Cocoa with him to his home, he already has a nursing mare called Butter so it won’t starve.

The mare will be used as a breeding mare on the same mill as Breeze’s OR be put in a Fluffmart for a pretty low price. As for the foal, she will be fed by her mother or formula until she grows up and becomes valid to be a milkbag. Both are in a catatonic state right now.

Aqua was brought to a Fluffmart, however he was left severely traumatized by the experiment and didn’t want to get near any other fluffies, so one of the employees had to place him on the counter in a separate box. It took a while, but a hugbox owner appeared and adopted him, he looked hesitant at first, but quickly grew attached to its new owner.

Thank you for staying with us until the end of the experiment, we hope to see you again soon enough.

From yours truly, Happy Fluffy Co.

(Also sorry if the end was lackluster, I wanted to write it instead of drawing but I think it went very bad.)

(The only art I made for this crappy masterpiece)


DAmnnnnnnnn I was hoping the Mare would come back once she had Cocoa and Aqua but that was just wishful thinking …

Ahhhh no Aqua!!! Let me save the baby T^T poor things been threw so much …


i guess the only good thing out of this is Coco having a chance and I hope Aqua gets a good ending

breeze was expected since she was a little shit

I also feel bad for mama as she went through true hell to the point he brain just shut down


You can adopt him, I’ll let you : )
Poor thing deserves it

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Originally I would give everyone a bad ending, however I thought I could give them another chance, so only Aqua and Cocoa deserves a happy ending


Thank you~ <3

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Aqua deserves a happy ending that doesn’t revolve around being stuck in a Fluffmart until it dies, so you’re welcome : )


What would happen if they never let the mother fluffy Breast feed? Since they have bad genetics and bodys would her milk become spoiled and chunky on the inside and she would die of sepsis or something bad?


I feel a little disappointed, probably because i was waiting for something more violent, not a punished foal, two happy endings and a milkbag :confused:


I was kinda hoping for Aqua and Cocoa to start ganging up on Breeze, blaming her for their mama’s catatonic state. But we got a nice karma ending regardless so that’s swell


In short, she would die a slow and painful death.


The original ending was that Cocoa died due to Breeze’s abuses on Day 10, and on Day 11 the mare would kill Breeze.
But I thought “why not give them a chance?”, so I made only the mare become a breeding mare/milkbag and Breeze become a future milkbag.

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damn they are sucking her dry


Could i possibly adopt Cocoa, i just love poo… brown fluffies, its the fact that they love to eat stuff that isnt poopies and are not made into litterpals that does it for me.

aww hes even aloud to live outside the litterbox, how 2024! :concern:


You can adopt him, just don’t kill him lol
Or idk, do it, it’s yours XD


Well, it’s been 10 days since they felt real mare milk instead of formula, and her udders got hurt a lot during these days, so yeah

It leads to mastisis, with the potential for further infection leading to abscesses followed by sepsis and eventually death.

If you’re hoping for her breasts to burst, overly full breasts will spontaneously leak milk when the pressure gets too high (based on second person observation).

I’m surprised Breeze still had the energy to try and attack her siblings and given the graphic description of the sorry stick in the last episode, how lightly must the doctor be striking her for her to survive 10 minutes of a beating.

A half decent swing with that sorry stick would have killed Breeze outright.

I’m also questioning whether she entered a proper ‘wan die’ loop as normally fluffies in such a state are too traumatised to say anything else other than ‘wan die’, since ‘wan die’ is usually the fluffy equivalent of a BSOD as their minds have been completely broken.

Given that she’s still lucid enough to identify her attacker and beg him to kill her, she’s not in a ‘wan die’ loop.


Well, he could kill Breeze with one swing, yes, but he didn’t want to, he only wanted her to suffer.
Though it costed the tail and an eye.

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From the last chapter, the sorry stick has razors on it; if you’ve ever used a razor blade, just pressing too hard will cause it to cut skin, let alone applying any sort of motion along the edge.

She’d be bleeding out after the first minute, unless you’re literally just touching her with the sorry stick, in which case she wouldn’t feel it and would carry on her attack.


What if they clamped or sealed her teats up? I know this is super absurd now lol