Explosive nummies (Fluffy_idiot_2)



I’m just glad it didn’t end with the cola bottle shoved up its ass.

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We can make that happen.

It be diet coke though.


More effective and less sticky.

I doubt we care much for the safety and comfort of the fluffy.

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Sticky in terms of cleanup. Diet coke isn’t made with sugar, therefore it isn’t sticky.

Eeeeh it’s pretty sticky in my experience.
But diet coke has a much more violent reaction to mentos then other soft drinks have.


As someone who works IT and has fixed countless amounts of devices that accidentally had a drink spilled on them I can immediately tell you if it was a diet drink vs regular drink. No artificial sweetener that I know of produces anything close to sticky as a sugary soda…not even remotely close.

I see you are a connoisseur of high fructose corn syrup.
Most people dont know that if you unplug a device, let it drip out and toss it in a bag of dry rice 9 out of 10 time sit wil survive.
Course if it has a non removable batt, you are kinda fucked.

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True, a device isn’t fucked by moisture until it has power run through its circuits.

It is when people try turning on their device to “check to see if it still works” that most ruin their device.

Which if you are lucky you can get out, because dry rice sucks moisture out.
If you leave it to just dry though and its a sugary drink…well it’s fucked then.
You need to dismantle it and clean it manually.
Most people aint up for that

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Small set of screwdrivers, spudgers, tweezers, q-tips, and rubbing alcohol.

Im not sure exactly how,

But I’m fairly confident a fluffy could some how die just from a carbonated beverage, alone.

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And lots of patience.

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I can think of three ways already.


Does at least one of them involve soda up the butt?

Because I feel that’s the direction this is headed.

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Five ways now.


Well, drowning is a gimme, perhaps some sort of stomach rupture from over consumption, ditto of they somehow got it up their butt, an “explosion” caused by a bottle popping, and maybe diabetes?

That’s all I got.

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Btw these ways are:

A shaken can of soda that’s opened and hits the fluffy in the face ( This can rip the fluffies face apart or go through their skull if you prefer, shit’s so fragile that can be broken by all )

Soda that’s shaken too hard, the fluffy drinks it anyway with a violent fizzy reaction.
Mentos optional.

Fluffy drowns in soda cause fluffies.

Asphyxiation on the carbonation.

And soda up the fluffy ass. Direction of the can opening optional. So you get a colonic irrigation fluffy or a rocket fluffy.

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Nine ways now.

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