F&F (fluffy D&D) part one

Be Jon a 25 year old living in your mothers basement your vary bord so you look at some abuse vids you aren’t really a abuser but you aren’t exactly a hugboxer so you try to be the devil advices in most thing’s any way you see this guy force some fluffys babies to play d&d but he was a Terrible DM but overall pretty entertaining and after watching that video a idea came to your mind why have little baby fluffys be the figers wean micros could do the job just fine you disided to try out this idea in the morning


DND is hard to rally everyone, but captive players do help.

Do you like it?

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I think it needs work. It’s just one big run-on sentence with no punctuation.

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My lawyer says that I should not answer that question or else I will go on a 1 hour long city wide rampage of excitement. Yes I was sued.

oh yesh

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hey shut up i do what i want

Don’t go all smarty on us.

ok sury

Make it qualitative then

Mmmmmm no I write how I want don’t be a grammar n**ze

I object to that! I’m being a punctuation Nazi. Totally different.