Failure leads to crushed hopes (by recreationalsadist)

Gary was walking down the street munching on a pretzel when he heard something.

“Hewwo nice mistah!”

He looked down to see a foal in the mouth of the alley he was next to.

“Watch dis! Babbeh du dancies!”

The foal began swinging their front legs back and forth while sitting on their hind legs.

Gary watched for a minute until the foal stopped and looked up at him expectantly.

“Nice mistah gibe nummies fow dancie babbeh’s mummah pwease?”

Gary shook his head and walked off, eating the last of his pretzel as he did so.

The foal trotted dejectedly back into the alley to their mother, who sighed.

The foal tried to suckle from their mother’s teats, but she shoved it off her.

“Sowwy babbeh, but miwkies am onwy fow cwosews. Yu need du bettew next timesies.”

The foal sobbed.

“Huu, tummeh habe su many huwties, need miwkies.”

Then an air conditioning unit fell from a window and crushed both of them into gory paste.



"Fiwst pwize is boww of sketti. Sekund pwize is new bwockies. Thiwd pwize is yu fiwed.


Nice, happy ending. :sparkling_heart:

(IRL, I’d have given him a bit of pretzel. Dancie babbehs are my great weakness. Also, cocaine.)


I thought of the line “miwkies am onwy fow cwosews” and then knew I had to write a story around it. The hardest part was thinking of a title for the story.

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Hoping, of course, that you thereby lead the little blasphemy against Terpsichore into a fast food addicted lifestyle?


We need more miwkies what am onwy fow cwosaws.

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I got my cat hooked on chips. I can definitely sacrifice a fluffy to Ronald Mcdonald.