Fallen From Sgettiland - Chapter 7 Aftermath (EzPete)

Sorry, I meant to upload this yesterday but holidays got in the way.

The bloodstained colt had managed to make it out of the dark tunnel. He was a brave fluffy just like his mummah said. He ran off into the dark field of flowers hoping to find a place to hide. It was twilight now as the sun set and the tall flower grassies were making it hard to see.

He collided with something else soft in the dark. It let out a cry “Ooof! Huu huu huu!” He looked at the fluffy in front of him, it was the sensitive baby from his Fluffmart. She smelled of piss and was trembling. “Shhhh! Be quiet!” He chided her. “nee ‘scape an fiwnd safe pwace.”

“Bwuddah sabe bebbeh?” The sensitive filly asked meekly, her soft teeth chattering as she spoke. “Yes, bwuddah sabe bebbeh.” He did not have time to argue and accepted that he had just adopted the sensitive baby as his sister. “Bebbah suu happeh!” She began to hug the colt, rubbing her head into him and getting himself soaked in booboo juice as well. “Stawp siwstah, huggies am laytuh. Nee wun way fiwst.”

“I think I saw some run this way!” A flashlight swept across the field casting shadows from the tall grass down on the pair of fluffs. “Come siwstah huwwy!” The colt whispered before turning to run in the direction he thought was the fence. He turned his head to look to make sure the sensitive baby kept up with him. She hadn’t moved at all, deciding to cower and cover her eyes. “Nuu bwudda! Nuu weave bebbeh aww awone!” she chirped.

He wanted to run back and grab his new sister, but the two humans were getting close now and would see him. He flattened his body to the ground and watched. The human mustahs found the sensitive. She wouldn’t stay quiet, and her chirping directed their attention to the bloodstained patch of grass they had formed. “Reckon we found the runner the foreman was looking for! Looks like we’re getting that reward!”

“Pwease mistahs! Be bebbeh’s new daddeh?” The sensitive chirped up at them, still cowering on the ground. “Shure thang!” One of them raised a stick that looked like it had something like a litter scoop on the end and stabbed it down into her. “SCREEEE! NUU HUWT BABBEH!” she cried out just before impalement. She began to Screee bloody murder for about ten seconds before reverting back to a chirpy baby as the pain was unimaginable.

The colt watched this all and almost cried out too. He took his hooves and pressed them down over his own mouth. Nuu scweam nuu make noise he commanded to his mouth as he held back sobs of terror. The chirping stopped and they turned to leave, foal still impaled on the pitchfork.

“You hear anything?” One asked shining a light across the grass above the colt. “Probably one of the other ones getting killed back out front.” The other replied pointing over towards the other humans with big sorry sticks. They turned around to walk back and lifted the foal up with their pitchfork. “Hey boss, we found your runner!” The colt held completely still as a pool of scaredy peepees began pooling under him.

The foreman was keeping track of the escapees. Two hundred and three was the total for processing today. The line had processed seventy-one. Another fifty-six had been convinced to return willingly. Thirty-seven of them had simply run to the front gate and begun pushing on it, begging the door to open. They were easy enough to cull with a circle of workers surrounding them and swinging at them with bats, shovels, pitchforks, and rebar. Bob and Larry came back with the runner from the far side of the slaughterhouse. The one female in the batch, leave it to a spoiled filly to not listen and mess things up. That left thirty-eight.

His workers came back with wheelbarrow loads of dead fluffies. Some hid under the cars in the parking lot. Some hid under the bushes that had begun to grow in the field. They were dumb enough to group up in herds for safety and trample large tracts of grass for his workers to follow. Five. Six. Five. Four. Seven. Four. Six. Altogether it was thirty-seven as he quickly added it together out loud. “Oh, and the runner, Thirty-Eight.” He didn’t double check the math, he was stressed and began to check off his clipboard. “Alright everyone, that’s all of them! Let’s get them all in the dumpster and pack it up!”


The colt watched as all the human munstahs went back inside. The past several minutes were suspensefully quiet as he listened to his fellow fluffies get forever sleepies in the distance. He cried as he waited. He was afraid they might come back to find him. He was just able to see them catch all the hiding fluffies. He had reached the fence but there was no way to climb over or under it.

The workers all started to come out of the building now. They were pushing big rolling carts and began to throw dozens and dozens of dead fluffies in the biohazard dumpster. Afraid they might have remembered him and thinking back to playing hide and seek in the Fluffmart, he began to dig.

This ground was hard and hurt his hooves. It wasn’t like the soft bedding in his nest. Still, he dug and dug until he could fit his entire body into the hole and below ground level. He curled up and tucked his head down. He couldn’t see anything now, but he hoped they wouldn’t see him either.

He heard various noises in the distance and then finally the sound of the smaller vroom vroom munstahs starting up. They all drove away but still he stayed there with his eyes closed. Only the sound of crickets remained as the adrenaline wore off and exhaustion overtook him. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up, he was shivering and covered in cold wawas. He didn’t know what morning dew was but would eventually learn to get used to it. The big bright sky circle was just above the trees and the warm light felt good on his fur. He began to climb up out of his hole and look around. The humans were gone. His back hoof got caught on the bottom of the fence as he tried to stand up, but he was able to shake himself free.

He walked around the field taking in everything. The bloodstained flowers of the dead fluffies, the giant metal sorry box where all the fluffies went forever sleepies. The big metal building that wasn’t actually sgettiland. How could this happen? Why did the humans lie to him? Why did they try to give him forever sleepies? He needed to leave before the human mustahs came back.

He went to the front gate and tried to push it open. It wouldn’t budge. His stomach grumbled with hurties. He needed food. The promise of sgettis had made them all famished the previous night and now there was nothing. He found a few bits of kibble scattered on the pavement by the door of the building but not enough to stop the tummy hurties. He looked at the flowers, they were so bitter, but his mummah told him they were good nummies.

Slowly he took some into his mouth and began to chew. They were disgusting but he needed to eat. He slowly chewed the bitter white flowers and ate enough to satisfy his stomach pain. He had quickly enough lost his appetite from the bad taste. He would need to leave if he wanted better nummies too.

The flowers upset his stomach and he felt gurgling in his gut. He tried hugging his stomach to make the hurties go away but they wouldn’t. Suddenly he was overwhelmed by the need to make poopies and he sprayed bad wawa poopies all over the pavement. It hurt so bad. He never made bad poopies before. They dripped down his legs and stung his poopie place. He needed good nummies to make good poopies.

Eventually he regained his composure and tried at the gate again. There was a gap underneath the gate that he tried to squeeze through. It was too narrow to fit through, and the meanie floor was too hard to dig. He thought back to his hole. There was a bottom to the fence he remembered. He ran as fast as he could to the hole that had been his bed.

When he arrived, he saw the part of the fence where his hoof had gotten stuck before and began to dig at it. The meanie ground hurt his hooves more and more, but he needed to escape. He could fit his head under the fence. He kept digging and digging until his hooves started bleeding. He tried to squeeze under again, first his head, then his shoulders fit. The fence pushed down his back painfully above his tummy and squeezed the poopies out of him, further spraying his legs in filth.

As his head came above the ground on the other side of the fence, he began to pull himself forward with his front legs. Every part of his body was exhausted and in pain, but he was almost there. Just a little bit more! He felt his hips slip under the fence and with that he pulled himself free before splaying flat and panting heavily. His mouth was dry. He knew that he needed wawas.

He slowly forced himself to stand up and began to walk away from the fence. There was a strange long hole between it and the road. He saw a small puddle of water inside and began to lap at it. It tasted yucky but he needed wawas. Soon he had consumed the tiny amount of water he found. He thought about how water liked to fall down into places like this hole and wondered if he followed the hole then he would find more wawas.

This was the best idea he could muster. He began to make his way down the long hole that ran along the road and lapped up any water he could find along the way. He was thirsty, he was hungry, he was tired, and he was sad. All of these things more than he had ever been in his entire life. And he was lonely, he had never been without another fluffy before. As long as he remembered he had been with his pretty mummah and Sistah.

His bloodied hooves stung with every step and began to wear his morale down. His sadness became too much “Huu huu!” he loudly cried as he walked. “Wan Mummah! Huu! Wan Sistah! Huu Huu! Wan Guuwd Nummies an Dwinkies! Huu! Wan Waawm Nestiee! Huu Huu!” This continued some time before he tired himself out from crying and the tears made him even thirstier.

After many forevers worth of walking, he found a brown bag of half-eaten human nummies in the long hole. Inside smelled good. The weird human kibbles were salty and mushy. There were green nummies inside a wrapper that he pulled out, they were covered in something that looked like boo boo juice but was sweet and salty like sgetties. One of the green nummies was yucky and bitter though so he spit it out. Has he bit into a weird brown nummie. It was really good. He hadn’t had meat before, so he didn’t know what to call it.

The day-old hamburger and fries left him filled with renewed energy. He was still thirsty, but he could find wawas in the long hole. Good nummies had been harder to find. The human nummies cheered him up. Things might get better he thought. He was free now.

Fluffies weren’t designed to be free, they were designed to have families and be safe inside. He didn’t know what safe meant, but having made it outside the fence, he felt somewhere inside his heart that he was.

← Chapter 6 - First - Fin

Next Week, New Story: Bestest

Thanks for Reading


Bless this wee lad. All the best to him out in the world!

Satisfying end to a great series, leaving room for more if it comes to it. Can’t wait for the next. Happy Holidays, ezpete. :slight_smile:


Have not had time to start reading yours, but I’m loving the cover image. That’s really cool.

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No prob. I try to keep my uploads around 2 pages of 12 point font in word. A few are longer when I can’t really condense what I consider to be a chapter.

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I’m eager to know how this fluffy will die in the future


I wonder if Fluffies can get stronger by eating meat

In my lore they cannot digest meat so the liquid shit is the product of fluffies being spoiled with human spaghetti products with meat sauce.


Headcanon truly rules the fluffyverse. Fascinating!

I mean, horse can’t digest meat and most of the chimera animals people suggest fluffies are made from like rabbits and whatnot also can’t so it makes a bit of sense.

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Actually, i think horses CAN eat meat

Most animals can consume it without severe issues but they they haven’t evolved to eat it so it doesn’t provide them much in the way of nutrition and their gut isn’t designed to digest it.

Ahh makes sense!