A conversation happened that involved a fluffy version of the movie The Room. It’s a torture tool… except many of the XXL seem to enjoy the movie.
“Sowwies big enfie fwuffy mawe, bu Honehdoo nu unastan da appeaw. Dis am jus siwwy funneh tawkie mista doin wowstest pwetendies…”.
There was a long and terrible silence as Cranberry slowly craned her head towards the pink mare, her expression did not change, nor did her soft smile leave her face, yet her eyes, those ruby red orbs, windows into her artificial soul rendered upon her visage the aura of hot and incalculable disdain.
Honeydew did not remember what happened next, time had alluded her in the following haze; the ribbon clad mare simply whimpered in the corner as the world flooded back to her with the retracting wanes of the vignette that encircled her returning vision. She laid there, nursing a black eye, swollen tight, and accompanied with a torn anus, pulsating freshly with agonising sensations beyond the vocabulary of both fluffy and men with which to describe the spite of the furious act.
Two things happened after this experience: Honeydew never dared questioning the acting talents of the legendary Tommy Wiseau, and secondly, her farts never made sound again either.
That was great. 10/10 I’m calling this 100% Canon in my mind.
This new XXL canon is so beautiful. The Room is like their bible, their one sacred cow.
“Mistah dun unda-undstan’ dis am bestest teevee tawkie ebah!”
9/10 XXL’s are moved to tears watching it for the first time.
Ou aw tewwing me apawt, enfie mawe!
Ah ha ha anyway how is u enff life?
“Fwuffy nu give mawe sowwy hoofsies, nu. Oh hai mawk”