Fat Bowl Fluffies (Pg. 1) [By: Jejjick]

Part one of a short documentary-styled comic suggested/inspired by @Gal-with-pastels .


probabIy wouIda broken her ankIe or something trying to brush them out of her way and make a path.


Im gonna assume her obesity will make rolling over that more difficult when she’s in water and she might not be as buoyant cuz of that?
Also I’m guessing when she swims she cant see past her teats if they’re that swollen? I just noticed her foals may be obese cuz of her foals may be onese cuz of the abundance of milk.

Im sorry for the questions i love the documentary format and wanna see how this goes. Also anyone else imagining David Attenborough narrating?


I bet we’ll see her scraping her tits on the thorns, and then her babbehs will be crying of hunger - similar to gr1m’s sturvingFAM


I love seeing more bowl fluffy content. They’re woefully underused.

Good job like always.


Don’t you mean Carrot’s Story part 2? Although they have similar instances just the one i mentioned and remembered did that more cuz they couldnt find the teat…

Edit: i could be wrong cuz idk the Starving Fam comic very well

There should be more bowl stuff and puffs imo… maybe micro too


I did a microfluff story. They’re fun to write.

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I did a micro comm with Ishi it is very fun indeed. It involved a vampire micro and lives in a booby trapped castle set.

More depending on how ‘well’ the fat is spread out. Assuming the fat levels are even on her back and sides, and she get a hold of land, should be somewhat more harder to roll over then not.

But going back Jejjick’s past works, there’d be another downside to all of this we haven’t thought of.

I assume she isn’t that worry what’s in front of her while on her back in the water other then her foals - animals often don’t go in there unless they’re tall for it. Even then, they’re kind of sitting ducks as they’re not own for speed on either land or water.

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Gosh darn this is going to end horribly but the art is too fantastic to look away. Incredibly surprised that a predator hadn’t reached her first

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Whats the downside we haven’t thought of?
Also you make good points but on when swimming, they dont look forward cuz they use their tail as a weak propellor but i was more going onshe cant see in front of her when looking forward on her back… which in cintext is looking backwards??? Anyway i shouldve mentioned it would mean she probably wouldnt see if a predator is in front of her approaching from the back or if she left a foal on the shore cuz its a big blindspot.

It depends on the season, given the fact winter was brought up. But assuming it’s spring or summer, and she has been in the water; water trapped in her fat folds which can lead to mold/infections. And with the extra fat she has, and her acting like this, could lead her to fall over and trap the foals.

I assume, normally, this would lead to them crying out and such. But with her folds, could lead the folks having the fat folds covering them and running out of air fast.

That’s more depending on headcanon - some folks have it as able to look back, while others have it won’t notice it unless the folks cry out of them.


Wdym mean by folks?

big mama

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The mold and trapped water is something I actually hadn’t thought of, but the accidental trapping of foals is genius. I’ll have to incorporate that into a comic somehow.

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LOVE this!! One of the things that I love/hate the most is when fluffies explain that they are a mummah/soon mummah to people/objects/animals.


LET’S GOOOOOOO MORE BOWL FLUFFY STUFF I love them but they’re not too commonly written about.

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She’s gonna need the exercise. Or just have her and her foals be food for something else.

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I’m glad someone else feels the same way lmao. I love them seriously “confronting” inanimate objects and somehow still losing.