Fat Mare Pt 6 (TheBigBrother)

I don’t usually draw on Sunday but I had some time as I couldn’t stay asleep this morning. Thanks for everyone’s support and advice it’s been helpful, inspiring, and amazing to find such a lovely little community.


The realization hits


This is a pretty smart fluffy, able to think over all these different ideas and take them to their logical conclusions.


Ha, what an appropriately large assumption for this fat piece of filth–that any shelter would want her for something other than candle wax!

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Considering most mares can’t tell the difference between their A and their V - thus the biggest poopies sensation - it’s impressive that Cherry is aware enough to feel the separation.

Must be because she’s so fat there’s a wide enough gap between the two


I didn’t know about that cannon lol. I like your rationalization of it too! it’s my head cannon as well now. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath on me drawing it :wink:

ah she’s ever the optimist :smiley:

That’s fair, maybe I had her make a lot of quick assumptions and perhaps my fluffies are a bit smarter than average. perhaps I just needed more panels to express her distort over the situation.