Fate of Brownie (By Labcoat) Chapter 8 (Finale)

I want to see Petal suffer for her sins. Petal ending up an enfi mare for a bunch of sex starved feral fluffy stallions only to be “saved” by a human who turns out to be a hardcore abuser would be a good start.


I’m gonna disent from all the posters baying for blood, Petal needs a logical end to getting pregnant and running away. Have her and her just be unable to take care of her foals due to lack of skill finishing them off by having them starve/freeze during the upcoming winter


I voted with you, but respectfully suggest that, instead of a cheese grater, the item below be used:


Petal must suffer. Truly hope she becomes a sadistic smarties new enfie/litter pal.

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Idk. Having her precious foals be eaten alive in front of her would make a hell of a punishment.


Loc Ness and Petal are equally at fault for the whole debacle. But I’m team Brownie and Brownie loves Loc Ness, so I’m glad he got off relitively lightly.
Not Petal though. No pass there.


god…i kinda wanna see em all but…the fate of the one who cost the boys so much…or babies…gahhhhhhhh so evil of a choice

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This is a hard one. It seems like Petal was the main source of trouble, so of course I want her to get what’s coming, but I also want to see what the other endings might have been. What a terrific comic!


I like revenge abuse just as much as abuse for no reason, make that bitch suffer.

Show me the babbehs please

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The fate of petal is the winner. Thank you all who voted.


and now we sit and wait to see what fate befell the siren who hurt our boys

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might we suggest a manual one to make the process slower?

Woah! That bitch deserves pain for what she did to Brownie! But again, I would live to have the foals spared, maybe they get to be with their dad?

The abuseboxer in me hopes Petal gets eternal torment, killing her outright is too easy, she needs to suffer mentally and slowly die.

The hugboxer in me is glad Brownie is alive, he’s such a sweet little buddy and I wish he was my little buddy!


i’m so glad brownie was alright! I’m also glad that Loc ness is mostly ok as well ^^

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Ngl we never got to see Petal’s comeuppance

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I am working on it, I will admit I made a mistake when I said mini Comic lol.
The current page count is 37.
I have 8 pages completed, 18 drawn but not colored and the rest just sketched.

With the Rage story, getting distracted with side projects and just losing time to work, I haven’t had much time to work on it. Bad habit of mine, biting off too much at once.
It will be finished.


Damn, Brownie lived? How unfortunate…

you did a really great job with that story, pal. thumbs up