Fate of Brownie (By Labcoat) Chapter 8 (Finale)

Finale Part 1

Finale Part 2

Finale Part 3

Finale Part 4

Thank you all for reading.
But I won’t leave you without one more poll. Vote after you read.

Which follow up mini-comic would you like to see?
  • What happened to Petal? (Abuse)
  • I want to see the babies! (hugbox)
  • What other endings were there?
0 voters

I demand to see the fate of that harlot who disobeyed the law of DADDEH.
I respectfully request that it involves a cheese-grater.


For a moment I thought Brownie was genuinely dead, his fate cut short by desperation and the story would continue with Nessie and Petal struggling to stay together thanks to the guilt of Brownie’s death.

Suffice to say this is a much better ending and I’m glad to see Nessie is still hurting from betraying his family but there is hope for him to get better.

I would like to see Petal’s story continue but I don’t think it should be abuse, she’s lost everything before and when threatened with losing it all again she lashed out. She’s still terrible for doing so but I think her karmic retribution should be more sadbox than abuse, maybe losing most, if not all, of her foals to starvation only to run into Brownie and Nessie once more and see how happy they are, that her inability to think beyond her own needs ruined a good thing for her.


I humbly ask you, We are the Gods of our creations, so if you do not desire to put the fate of that bitch in paper, at least in your thoughts give her hell.


The sadboxer in me wishes Brownie got derped from the head injury but I am still happy with this conclusion.


25 different endings, I am really curious about how the other 24 endings would have went


Bro, give Petal a worst horrible fate.


Looks like in the case of Brownie: Snitches get bitches.
And also stitches.


What a great ending! I was really worried about Brownie, but it was nice to see him pull through in the end.


God i really want to see the babies but i also really want to see petal get hurt (emotionally or physically) its so hard to pick


Had us going with poor Brownie there!! This has been such a lovely comic to follow and look forward to, I can’t wait to see more!

I’d love to see how the family expands, but also need to see Petal’s comeuppance…


Brownie is the bestest boy ever this was so good


My boy lives damn it his too strong to be killed
Grande Brownie



How to get outrun by a fluffy pony. :grin:

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Agreed. Hope she falls into the clutches of a butt-raping degenerate who likes his foals braised in mare’s milk.

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There was a chunk of me that wanted Brownie to get fridge’ed just to drive home to Loc how bad he fucked up but getting fixed, watching his buddy get to build a family and waking up every morning to see the scars seems punishment enough (if a fluffy can even comprehend real guilt). Loc’s gonna have to carry that weight


Worth the wait , maybe down the line we can see the babies in a all new story and see what shenanigans they get into , but for now petal that stupid bitch fluffy needs to die a death most brutal ,

Also forgot to mention, if she do have they babies already, they should get to go to good loving homes , they shouldn’t suffer because of there parents fuck ups , now if there not born yet petal should be nuggetfied untill the babies are born , then same as befor they get good homes and she dies a very slow very brutal death


I voted for abuse ending for that nasty skank, Petal. But If I were to make a suggestion?

Abuse ending, but the foals will be spared. A guy or gal finds the bitch, sees she’s an Alicorn, and has a litter of Alicorns and exotic-looking foals. They take Petal and her foals, and the person sells the foals and keeps Petal as breeding stock!

Petal gets her just deserts. She will never have a family, and now she doesn’t even have her freedom! She’s inseminated, and gives birth, that’s her life until she dies.


Abuse! Hands down abuse! The more bleak the better.

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Locness gets to be Uncwle Wocness now! He’ll be a great Uncle to Brownie’s foals