FC Autocorrect Problem? Help???

I wrote a short story and pasted in in the posting box here, but when I went over everything to look for typos, I found something really strange. In the text box on the left, I had the word p o p p i e s in a sentence, spelled completely correctly, but when I looked at the post preview area on the right, it had been changed to “poopies”. Notice I could not type the intended word in here either because it would have autocorrected in the same way.

This is really bizarre, and highly inconvenient considering I use the word for the flower twice in the piece of writing, so of course it would throw off a reader who doesn’t know it’s an autocorrect feature. Can this be fixed? I really don’t want to have to spell the word in a weird way to circumvent it.


This is an old feature-turned-bug on the site, it’s been discussed before and there have even been posts made specifically to poke fun at it.

That’s all well and good for jokes but not for people who don’t want to put spaces between letters every time the affected word is used

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It came about as a result of trying to counter the opposite problem. People kept writing “poopies” and it kept getting auto-incorrected. This was implemented as a workaround, but it worked too well.

You could just use a different kind of flower. Unless it specifically has to be a flowering plant in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae.