Feeding MR.Snapper (ElGuzz)


I don’t think I’ve seen a turtle eat a fluffy before. Good job!


Bowser was pissed that they enter his water


We don’t get much animals v fluffies that isn’t cats/dogs.


What about snakes? Everybody loves snakes. There’s even an old school abuser villain character called The Snake Daddeh (guess why…)

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The terrapin must feed. Let it consume the vermin.


This looks very good, look forward to next art you do in the future .

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I’d have an entire house of carnivores just to listen to these things peep and crying about toys and wub while being eaten.


I’ve seen it only once before, though in that case the fluffy managed to escape (minus a back leg).

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Ahhh, someone else’s YouTube recommending live-feeding videos too? :glee:

Got the link?

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Oof you’re gonna need to clean the water after that feeding.


Snapping turtles are scary!

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What a rude babbeh! He doesn’t seem to wanna pway with his nyu fwend, da meanie!


The artist was Reddit-only, unfortunately. Here’s page 1.

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Alligator Snapping Turtles are even scarier. Those guys can weigh up to 220 pounds.

And check out what they can do to pineapples: Alligator Snapping Turtle Bites Through Pineapple

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There was one in the creek down the road once when I was a little kid. Parents had to call a guy to take it to a safe place so it didn’t snap anybody or get hit by a car… Years and years later, I actually did run over what I assume is one of its offspring with my car while visiting family. The tire hit it dead on and my whole car popped up about six or eight inches like it’d struck a rock… However, the turtle was completely fine aside from a badly bruised shell. This guy literally shrugged off a direct hit from a Ford Taurus going at least 40 miles an hour. On one hand, I’m glad I didn’t accidentally kill him, and I assume he was taken somewhere less hazardous to recover and live out the rest of his days; but on the other, it makes me wonder how many more of these finger-shearing juggernauts he and the original one have spawned over the years.

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Why bwuddah no cwimb onto moving wock?

Too bad it stopped after part 5

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I saw a “Brave Wilderness” video comparing and contrasting Common Snappers and Alligator Snappers once. The similarities and differences were fascinating.

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