Feeding Toy Prt. 3 (By Ivybluefire)

Have I mentioned how hard it is to draw my dog? Because it is very hard to draw my dog!!
He has an underbite and a million different colors on him, so it’s hard to simplify. Anyways, I hope I did good enough on this part, and please ignore how much the fluffy changes-

Quick edit/note; when we give our dog a command, “break” is the word we use for him to stop. So, if we tell him to “sit” he’ll sit and “break” means he can get up.


uh oh

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Your dog and the Fluffy are both adorable, I think you are doing awesome! Nothing wrong with an evolving artstyle. Can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:


fluffy: ~doubles back to hug dogs chest~
dog: ?_?
fluffy: Nyu fwiend?
dog: :shrug:


Lmao, I was actually considering an alt ending like this-

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Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. ^w^
It’s hard not to get caught up on making things look consistent, so I’m glad that people still think it looks good

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Be we all know the true timeline. :slight_smile:


the true and best timeline


Aside from the dog’s teeth what do you think is the last thing that went through his mind

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Probably something like “oh poopies…”