Fidget Toy (By: PeppermintParchment)

Thank you,I’m glad you enjoyed it. I typically make my fluffies very naivé. I think that since fluffies are mesnt to be children’s toys,they would have very trusting,affable personalities, and would struggle to understand that someone would be hurting them intentionally. I think they’d have an ingrained sense of right and wrong,since most parents would want a toy that can be a “good influence” on their child. I give my fluffies a sense of justice,it makes sadbox more effective when the fluffy knows it has been unfairly treated.
And I like to think that Trisha did get better treatment for her condition,especially after her parents saw the public reaction to Fidget Toy’s condition. I think there was enough shame to it that they would put Trisha on medication. I also believe that Trisha would definitely have to start going to a new school.


Geez I’m officially your fan now. Your writing style is amazing!
And finally, FINALLY someone gave fluffies the treatment they deserve. Not direct torture of a living creature, but a casual usage of an object by it’s purpose, no emotions, no strings attached. “If they’re toys…”
Love it :black_heart:


tf did you say that was SO bad??

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She deleted her comment herself.

bruh, i loved the story so much that i made this.


Beautiful and compelling in its characterizations and its starkness. All the way down to Fidget Toy’s gif huggies leggies and Trisha’s ultimate rejection. I am obsessed.


I’m also bitter because my idiot parents and faculty refused to address my obvious mental issues even after years of it being a blatant and obvious handicap. Maybe think before you put your hands on your fucking keyboard

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