I love their portrayal of someone suffering from OCD and Trichotillomania, and how the fluffy in the story is just treated like a disposable toy. If you haven’t read the story yet, I highly recommend checking it out.
Trisha was just a child who got bored of Fidget Toy once she got bored of him and he had served his purpose. You can’t expect all kids to want to break their worn-down toys before dumping them in the trash.
Describing the taste of surströmming can be a challenge. It’s intensely salty, with the tang of fermentation and a deep, underlying fish flavor . Some liken it to a very mature cheese or a robust blue cheese, but with a fishy twist.
ngl i’d fw this.
[Edit: idk why the system auto-removes quotes and replies. Is there a setting to tweak to fix this?]