Final Project - Part 2 (Souup)

Thank you for being the one tard who responded to my comment who can detect sarcasm and nuance.

Seriously, you pretend that you can’t fathom the appeal of hugbox and if you don’t add an /s to the end of your obviously bait comment, you get a idiots "REEEEEEE"ing from on high in defense of fluffies. Thank you for being sensible and restoring some of my faith in humanity. :smiley:


Definately cant sorry stick or sorrybox kids for doing bad poopies (or sorry poopies for that matter

People smack their kids with rulers and sandals for making a mess all the time.

If humanity is engineering rats into talking horses, its on the cusp of biological immortality.

Mighty Zeus teaches us that each generation must perish for the next to take its place, unless you deprive the next generation of a future.

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Cool story. Doesn’t erase the millions of the years of evolution that have bred a love of children and community into mankind.

Simp your talking furbies. The fact is if you find human children detestable that makes you the outlier and there is something wrong with you, not the majority of people who have the normal emotional, psychological, and physiological responses to human babies/children.


Has any human not found children detestable, to some degree?

When they aren’t yours and spoiled as a feral ass smarty


Imagine if everyone in the world had an annoying-ass teacup pug, but it could actually talk.

Don’t threaten me with a good time :smirk:

Simp your talking furbies.

I tried to get “fluffysimp” as a vanity license plate, but it was already taken :cry: Went with “fluffys1mp” instead :relieved:


Nice reference to Akira :smiley:

Your scenes are so rich in detail, lively and colourful. Kudos!

The difference between fluffies and human children is that kids eventual stop being kids. Fluffies are perpetually stunted forever, the only difference being flesh and libido. They’re really the best example of two things human beings typically consider good and combining them so that they’re less than the sum of their parts. It’s hard to explain, really.

Honestly, desiring the company of something that has barely any will or desire for agency of its own has always been a bit strange to me. Like it’s wanting a sentient creature that does nothing but evoke certain feelings in you, while living a hollow life of bread and circuses.


Having a bush full of fast-working atomic killberries at a fluffy park seems like a passive experiment on its own! :smirk:

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Basically a tamagotchi, but alive


What just happend to the brown fluffy?

Lol @ the brown fluffy spraying blood out of its eyes. It’s the little things. Well done.


Given the nature of the experiment, I hoped the owner would’ve stopped Project from being attacked.

Can’t wait to see what comes next, really digging your stuff


Well the brown one get pain and the other foals and the mother are idiots.

Will there ever be a part 3? This is really good.

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akira reference

please continue this

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