"First Contact" [Solidus]

“First Contact”

by Solidus.

The coyote snarled and snapped, cramming it’s head into the log. “SCREEE! GO AWAY MUNSTAH!” shrieked the young Stallion. “GIV SOWWY POOPIES!” He yelled, turning around and spraying liquid shit into the canine’s face.

This, of course, only served to anger it, and it snapped it’s jaws, shearing off the tip of his tail. “OWWIES! TAIW HUWTIES!” He cried, moving backwards a few inches. He felt a back hoof nudge something.


“It otay babbehs, daddeh wiww save us….” his special friend said, crying, shielding their newborn foals with her own body. She knew it was a lie. This creature was huge and strong, and they were small and weak.

Snapping jaws and snarling growls. The coyote slammed it’s body into the log, cracking it a bit, getting closer and closer. It opened it’s jaws, preparing to snap down on the stallion’s head.

There was a distant crack, a noise like thunder, and the coyote yowled in pain, blood sprayed from it’s mouth, onto the fluffies, and it went limp.

“Am……am famiwy safe?” the mare asked.

The stallion kicked at the Coyote’s nose. It was dead, unmoving, it’s eyes staring ahead lifelessly.

“Famiwy am safe. Munstah have fowevew sweepies……” He said, confused. The babies chirped and cried, terrified by the cracking sound.

— — — —

The man looked through his scope. He’d hit that damned vermin directly in the heart, it was dead before it hit the ground. He smirked. “Gotcha at last. No more farmer’s cats for you.” he said, putting his rifle on the table. He opened the door and stepped out, walking the 100 or so yards to the log.

He heard a high pitched, childish voice when he hit the 30 yard mark, and broke into a sprint. There was a kid in that log!

That was several steps too far. He didn’t like coyotes at the best of time, but one going after a child? Hell no!

“It okay babbehs……it okay…”

He heard chirping and peeping from inside. Probably a pet bird?

Chris knocked on the top of the log, and heard an “EEP!” from within, and more chirping.

“Uh……you okay? It didn’t hurt you, did it?” He asked, pulling the creature out from the log. It’s front was covered in stinking, liquid stool.

“Gah! Fucking nasty……Bet the damn thing was rolling in it……” he said, covering his nose in disgust and dragging the carcass across the grass and away from the log.

“No move……might be anothew munstah….”

He kneeled in front of the log. “I’m not a monster, kid. I killed that thing. You okay? It’s alright, you can come out, honey… I’ll get you back to your mom and dad, you’re gonna be just fine, I promise!” He said, putting on his best big-brother voice.

A small, fuzzy, orange face peeked out at him. It was covered in thick, fluffy fur, and had large, expressive eyes.

“N-Nice Mistah no huwt famiwy?” it asked, looking at him plaintively.

Chris stared. An animal had just spoken to him. A technicolor orange animal. “Uh……I…….sure thing….” He said, shuffling back a step. “I won’t hurt your family….uh… little……guy?” He asked, unclear of it’s sex.

“Thank you, Nice Mistah!” it said, stepping out.

The creature was small, about the size of a yorkie, with a round, fat body, short legs ending in hooves, puffy cheeks, large eyes, and an overall appearance of a tiny, long haired horse.

It was covered in bright orange fur, with a dusty pink mane.

Behind it, a fat, indigo with a purple mane, creature of similar appearance waddled out, with a mass of multi-colored shapes on it’s back, squirming in it’s fur. Each was about the size of a beanbag, and let out chirps and peeps. Babies, he surmised.

“Hewwo nice mistah!” it said, smiling at him. “Thank you fow saving famiwy fwom munstah!”

“Uh……sure thing, you’re welcome……Uh……what ARE you things?” he asked, tilting his head.

“Am fwuffies!” the orange one said, wagging it’s tail.

“Yeah, you sure are fluffy……But like, are you horses, or….?” He was still unclear on exactly what the hell they were.

“Am fwuffies.”

Chris blinked. “Riiiiight……” Fluffy seemed to be how they understood themselves. Whatever the hell that meant. “So uh……where did you come from?”

The female spoke now. “Fwuffy and Speciaw Fwiend come fwom cowd pwace. It am many fowevas away fwom dis pwace, wawked many bwite times.

He narrowed his eyes. “Tell me more, about this cold place of yours.”

She nodded. “Cowd Pwace was wowstest pwace evew. Many fwuffies aww in sowwy boxies, dawk, nu smeww pwetty. Was in boxsie next to Speciaw fwiend, but was not speciaw fwiend yet. One dawk time, Speciaw fwiend find way out of boxsie, and get fwuffy out too!”

You hold up a hand. “What’s a sorry box?”

“It am scawy boxie with cowd shiny sticks in fwont, dawk and no woom for pway and wun.” The orange male said.

“A cage. I see. So you were in a dark, bad smelling place with lots of your kind in cages.”

“Das wite.”

“Which direction was this from here?”

The female looks confused, thinking for a bit.

“Dunno, but we fowwow moving wawas many bwite times.”

“The river. Were you moving the same direction as the water?”

They nod.

“Then you came from up north. Hmm, probably somewhere in the city.”

“What am Sit-Ee?”

“It’s a place with lots of buildings, the ground is all hard and there’s not many plants.”

The female nods. “Nu smeww pwetty in Sit-ee.”

Chris laughed. “No, it doesn’t. So do you two have names?”

“No. Munstahs in Cowd Pwace caww fwuffy “M-189.”

“Caww Fwuffy F-200”

He frowned. Numbers, probably a breeding program or laboratory of some sort, then. “Well……It wouldn’t do to leave you here, I guess. You got a brood of babies, too.” Chris said, pointing to the female. “I think it would be best if you came back to the house with me. I could use the company, and you seem like you could use a warm home with some proper care.”

“B-Be Nyu daddeh?” The male asked.

“Uh….Sure….I guess? As long as you promise to be good, anyhow. Now……hmmm, both of you need names, I’m not calling you both Fluffy.”

The female lit up at that. “Nyu Namsies!?”

“You will be……Grapefruit.” He said to the male.

“Yay! Wub namsie!”

He looked at the female and scratched his chin. “And you will be…Morning Glory.”

“Pwetty namsie for mummah!”

“Glad you like them. Come on, I’ll get you all cleaned up, you two….smell, badly. And you’re probably hungry, too.”

The small group walked back to the house.

This event would mark the first time a Fluffy encountered a human outside of a Hasbio Breeding and Test facility, though it would be far from the last.


The fluffies are pleasent, good tempered and have although little a sence of basic intelligence

Then wave after wave of unrestricted breeding, experimentation and mistreatment happened, and now we have todays fluffies :glee:


This is surprisingly wholesome. :sparkling_heart:

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Pretty much!

This is the how it started portion of the meme.

The “How it’s going.” is something I’m still picking at.

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I tend to be rather good at that!

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Not a bad thing. :slight_smile: