First drawings (Art by Dyldex)

I see some of the talent on this website and think, “damn, I wish I can draw like them”. Enjoy my very first original artwork!

I have some experience with SFM and there are pony models so I figured I can try using the size-changing tool to make them somewhat resemble fluffies.

I suck ass with 2d art, and I hate this piece so much. I think the problem is that the foal’s cheeks aren’t puffy enough and his head is too tall.


I don’t know how to say this, but the 2D foal’s issue isn’t with his head being too tall or his cheeks not being puffy. It’s his snout.

Because I don’t know why, but it’s giving me some big Dreamworks vibes. Push that snout up a bit so it’s even with the middle of his eyes, and it’ll look better. (Also he has no neck. Give him a neck and he’ll look right as rain! The boy’s a hunchback!)


I see, thanks for the advice!