First Post, hi everybody! Flufftober entry gave me "Hair Blurst" so here's a big fat hairy pile of sketties <3 ~ Fluffusrattus

It’s gonna blow!


I feel like there should be a grenade marker in the periphery of my vision when I get too close to this thing…



Man gad look that fat meat :scream:

Love your coloring it is markers right?

@Fluffusrattus please put your name on the title please.


He a big boi… It’s some funky pastel fine liners I found and have been wanting an excuse to use, also thanks for the heads up have edited that in :3


Haha good shout XD don’t think the little guys going to take much more… Also thank you, am a newbie here I’ve edited that in

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That’s such a mess to clean up. How does one even raise a fluffy that fat? Must be spoiled af too.

Welcome to the community! Hope you have a good time here.


You’ve got a really great style! I look forward to seeing future creations from you.
Welcome, @Fluffusrattus !


Well, that’s one way to make your first post here. Great work!


Thank you! <3

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Definitely more comming these little guys are great boredom therepy


It took me a minute to notice the tiny wings. xD

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Forbidden meatball

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Already a fan of the big chungus


Is it a mare or a stallion?


I’d not thought about it, was thinking this was just a one off but I might have to make this an OC maybe, prolly a big 'ole spoiled bratty mare from a rough but salt 'o the earth kinda family that just kinda shows love through feeding you to death. Can’t say no to second and third helpings types. Screams at their pets and kids as a form of communication but will go all mama and papa bear if you touch a hair on their heads XD

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Chungus will have to be her name I think

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Oh jesus that reminds me of my family…they don’t overfeed our pets but they are spoiled af and my dog and my cat are little piglets and have no self control when it comes to eating. Except my cat is the only chonky one and it’s not because of us. We feed her maybe twice a day and she just gorges herself on little outside critters or something.

But yeah this piece reminds me of my two obese fluffy OCs. One is overfed and pampered af from a family who spoils them with food–literally fixes them gourmet five star dinners and shit for every meal and even drinks after their owner’s wine :nauseated_face:–so because of this the fat fuck is a damn food snob and grimaces if anyone even mentions Hasbio canned spaghetti to her. Ironically enough she’ll still eat fast food if it’s offered to her but if you give her kibble then get ready to go to the doctor for pink eye because she’ll spray hose a stream of shit at you like a damn garden hose. She can still walk and is pretty fast for a blubbery hogbeast if you make her angry.

The other is completely immobile and relies in their mummah for everything. Can’t even leave her saferoom and looks a lot like Lil’ Miss Diabeeto here. She’s confined to her fluffy bed and watches TV all day, and has MAJOR seperation anxiety. Especially when mummah has to go to work and doesn’t come to play with her beforehand or even say goodbye. Not that either situation helps. She flies into a full on meltdown that has gotten so bad the neighbors have called the police in the past or complained about the screaming. This is probably the most exercise she ever gets, unfortunately and the owner, while delusional, is not an abuser. She just has a twisted sense of love for her fluffy and really wants what’s best for her. Baths are a nightmare. Cleaning her litterbox is nigh impossible with the mountains of shit she piles up, so mummah decided to buy an auto-cleaning litterbox. The fluffy herself is actually quite pleasant to be around when spoken to and when she isn’t in tantrum mode. But she is still extremely spoiled and will literally create holes in the wall if you deny her food or give her kibble by rolling around the safe room flattening everything in her path. As expected, she has a plethora of health issues the owner empties her wallet in order to rectify including organ and limb transplants to stay alive.


Oh my days, the image of existential horror you’ve painted there that too much attachment and love expressed in the wrong ways can cause… Am without a graphics tablet atm so am restricted to sketchbook doodles untill I save for a new one, but with your permission I’d love to do a tribute to your gal there. She sounds like a, uh, character for sure lol

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Which one? And thank you!

Butterball is the gourmet food critic and the other Fluffy is an unnamed mare I simply call the Extreme Hugboxer Fluffy. I still need to name her.

I need to redraw this and amplify just how horrific the situation really is.

Mint? (Boom!)