Elmo’s tired from all the playing, but new games await another day, until then, sleep tight!
To be Continued.
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Elmo’s tired from all the playing, but new games await another day, until then, sleep tight!
To be Continued.
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No cookies for fluffies.
Someday, Cookie Monster will encounter Fluffies. It Will Not Be A Pretty Sight.
“Psssssst Hey, hey, Cookie Monster, did you know that fluffies are made out of cookies? In fact, word on the street says that they taste better than anything else! Well, that and cocaine…”
Imaginary technique… EImo’s worId.
Grover did NOT want to know what was going on…. Smart choice Grover
Just to know ,what did you do with the babies? Are you done with them or are you looking forward to some more fun with them and the dad?
The babies will have their share of the pie, just picking out the tools for the job
Te quiero mucho @BensonDover
Grover leaving is so funny, and I just love the way that the fluffy immediately forgets whats going on and asks for food