Fluff Worm Fluffyloodus C. Corisidine
A parasitic creature that lives in shallow puddles and climbs into the eurethra of any fluffy unfortunate to pass through. They set up shop in the fluffy Bladdar, blocking urine from entering the bladder and causing a back up in the body cavity, leading to instense swelling. Eggs are laid and when the eggs are almost ready to hatch the Fluffy Worm will finally allow the Fluffy to urinate, releasing the eggs and creating a large enough puddle of liquid for the offspring to survive in and begin the cycle anew. This process is generally extremely uncomfortable to fluffies and causes a “Wan Die” loop in 80% of afflicted subjects.
Ok the Fluff Spider snd Fluff Snake are amazing and probably be great on a micro diet
unbelievably cursed
i love it
SPIDER FLUFF SPIDER FLUFF <3 It’s so adorable I love it!
fluffyworm be like
All I can hear is fluffworm screaming forever about it’s own existence.
Trust no actual spider genetics were wasted on that mutant caricature
Funny thing , were were just talking about
"All tomorrows " in another fluffy body horror image