Fluffboxes (Pastry_Knight)

LOL@The upside down one.

Reminds me of liquor laws.
“Is it really illegal to marry liquor bottles?” ← A question that at first seems like non-sense, until you realize what ‘marrying’ means.
If they were actually selling mixed sizes to get to some minimum weight, I could see ‘some’ issues with the practice, i.e. cherry picking or underfulfillment when working in/against the consumer’s favor (Strawberries are like this). Of course they are selling nearly identically-sized eggs in that same cart so so long as it is from the same size/grade carton, it seems ethical.

Oddly, I think eBay had a similar policy for mixed auctions. You have to sell effectively identical products unless you do an multi-auction/BIN listing format or they are all listed AS-IS, right?

Tl;Dr Everyone fucking does it but employees probably got told not to(CYOA).

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Yeah, foal cartons would come sealed. It would reduce the risk of cheap, lazy breeders cherry picking the less awful colours.

(post deleted by author)

They look so pathetic and disgusting. In the blender they go.

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I need some drumsticks, or dulcimer hammers.

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And now y’all know what I eat for my lunch on modays.

I think the runt pack is better to be honest.

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I read a story on another site where baby seal-fluffies were used as fishing bait… maybe these packages could be sold for that too ^.^ poor things probably won’t like having a hook shoved through them, tho. Oh well :rofl:

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I mean, catfish would go for fluffies like gangbusters. They like stink bait. Just leave fluffies in an open cooler for a few days, let them get covered with their own shit, then close the cooler right as you’re packing up for your fishing trip. Not only would it give them a chance to get extra ripe for the fish, it would prevent any escapees getting loose and ruining the surrounding woodlands.

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Definitely a good idea haha. Also, I’m not sure if this is for catfish specifically, but I’ve heard blood can be used for bait as well :grin: if one fluffy gets too annoying the day before the fishing trip, they could always be bled and killed so they’ll be quiet :man_shrugging:

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Yup, blood bait is absolutely a thing. You might do best isolating the fluffy, then using each of its legs as bait. If that doesn’t work, throw the fluffy’s living remains on a hook and let the thrashing draw some fish.

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its not in fiddwes archive but they did bait foals


Those are gonna be some happy mudfish.

Had to look up what “Class C” meant. Based on the definition I found (might be the wrong one), it looks like these guys are better off as pet food than as people food. I’d use ‘em for spiders, scorpions or cannibal fluffies, a dog or cat would likely get sick on lower-grade stuff like this.

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I mean, it depends how much flavour you like in your catfish. These would be fine with the mud-dwellers in my neck of things. (I can’t stand catfish. They’re my gauge for the taste of fluffy poop.)

You talking about using them as bait? I must admit I hadn’t considered that. Also, in my experience, the taste of catfish depends on the recipe. Fried is good, especially Cajun-style, but other ways tend to be bland or icky.

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Oklahoma catfish taste like mud no matter what you do. I don’t know why they’re so popular.