FluffGen Mini Update: Fences


Spent some time tonight modeling pieces for my fence building system. Fences are really useful for making sure fluffies dont wander off and get into trouble and making sure fluffies are safe from predators. You can also construct enclosed areas for different kinds of fluffies you want to keep together. For example, crowded, miserable pens for gross shit colored fluffies that you’re using for meat and manure production should ideally be kept away from your nice designer fluffies that you’re trying to raise happily to be sold for a high price.

You dont need me to tell you guys how fences work but it’s nice to have a system where you can keep track of your fluffies while youre working on your farm.


Bad fluffies go behind the sorry fence.


Bad Fluffies go outside the sorry fence with the wolves where they will live or die on their own skills.

Aggressive Fluffies, Fluffies with adaptations that will aid in survival, Fluffies who fear and hate humanity, and wonderful natural colors that blend in will be protected lest freak circumstances slow their development into something that can truly threaten mankind.


I don’t want them to die, I want them to suffer in loneliness, cramped and hungry.


Does not lead to human suffering. Does not compute.

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Can you make the fence connect in the corners, or is it impossible and it will be like that


Good to see you still working on this! Crossing my fingers it gets made.


Well, I’ll tell you: people use them as tools to defy physics.


Looking better and better, Picky mah boi


Bad fluffies go to the grinder :). Smarties are pillowed and forced to watch their herd be ground up.

Everyone has a personal favorite method of punishment


Personally, eating the raw leggies from a bad fluffy is my favorite. However, this is reserved for foal killers. Especially those that kill alicorns. I’ll show them who the real munstah is

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Dude I now can’t wait to make a fluffy caste system using the fences and see the good colored fluffies have random dialogue making fun of the shit colored fluffies every once in a while

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It would be a bunch of extra work and i kinda like the way this looks tbh


You are the boss here :shrug:



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I wonder if there’s going to maps like farm land, cityscape and forests

Thats an idea im working on but im not sure if it’ll take the form of sandbox maps you can play on instead of a farm or actual locations in a contiguous game world that you can visit.

Am smawtie

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starts learning to code

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