FluffGen Update: Reimplementing lost assets/Title Screen/Gardenfluff Contest/Discord


So just a quick update since I’ve been gone for a month. I’ve done a lot of fixing up code and reimplementing some things I lost in a file corruption.

First of all I’ve got the grinder up and running again. It took a lot of work to get it just right the first time and I was really disappointed that I lost all my code for it but it’s working pretty much the same as it was before the corruption now.

I coded another drowning volume for when fluffies end up underwater. They’ll slowly suffocate to death. This was already in my files when they got corrupted but I don’t think I ever made an announcement about it. Notice the eyes closing. That’s all thanks to the mood system I presented last update.

This is something I care about more than any of you really should but I implemented a debug system that I can flip on and off to show different stats above world objects. Here I’ve made it so I can see what the fluffies current actions are. This helps in diagnosing AI issues so AI should improve with this system implemented.

And lastly I’ve created a title screen where people can click on a link to donate to the project.

Once again, I’m getting ready to release soon. I just have to touch up a few things. I think I’m just going to clean stuff up this weekend and maybe release a prealpha.

Also as a reminder, I’ve convinced Virgil to run a mini contest with a gardenfluff theme. The author of my favorite submission will be 3d modelled and put into FluffGen, so enter something into the contest if you’re interested in that.

If anyone wants to join the Discord where I post more frequent updates click out the link here: Discord

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Outstanding work!


Can’t wait to play it



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if i put a fluffy underwater, and then get it out before it died, will the fluffy keep suffocating from the water in its lungs? a hard mode feature to make water more dangerous and the decision of who to save tougher? :hmm:


Only a few days until we can watch fluffies drown in a lake that they prob just took a shit in




how did your files become corrupted?

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I love this! I can’t wait for an alpha!

I work off of an external hard drive and the best I can figure is I must have bumped it in the middle of working on FluffGen because it refused to save and I couldn’t open the file afterwards. Fortunately I keep lots of backups in case I fuck something up but unfortunately, in that particular instance I was feeling extremely confident and hadn’t saved a copy of my project for close to a month. I learned my lesson and thankfully it didn’t murder the whole project but I lost some pretty good code and it’s hard to motivate yourself to do it all over again.


I’m scared to death knowing that you’re not using automatic backups! Just a batch script to copy files to another drive will do… if you won’t use some fancy git or svn.
If this projects goes down due to random error, I’ll be crying in a corner for a year.

In the past month I also wrecked a external HDD due to a physical shock. Don’t touch those things when they’re spinning - fragile af.


I save backups to google drive sometimes too. I should probably do it more often


Great to see the game is progressing. I was getting worried of yet another “author existence failure” that seem to strike game developers as the first alpha release draws near.


I’m posting most of the updates in my discord now. I’ll still post here when I have a lot to show off but join us there if you want to see all the updates.


i would join the discord but i refuse to let my normal persona and my fluffycommunity personas intermingle.

I tried to join the discord but the link was expired it seems :frowning: