Fluffication (AisatsanA)

All summer I had the idea of ​​drawing all the pets I once had. Finally finished. Dogs turned into alicorns, and cats were divided into three other breeds. I love them all, but I still wouldn’t refuse to have a real fluffy.

I’ll tell you a little about each.

Chickens. I actually had chickens when I was 6. At the dacha market I saw them - small, yellow and so charming. I didn’t know then that there were poultry: the child sees the child wants. I spent half the summer begging for them and finally, miraculously, one morning a box with five babies was waiting for me.
They grew up smart, knew their names and ran after my mother. But autumn came, I had to go to school. You can’t take them into the city, so we gave them to a neighbor with her household.
Since they were never destined to become adults, I depicted them as very young pegasuses.
If we think from the height of my age, then if I were the parents, I would rather offer the child parrots (for example, lovebirds). Having chickens was a traumatic experience and I would not allow it to happen again.

Peach (Persea). A Himalayan cat, which we considered a cat for half a year.
I have always wanted a cat for as long as I can remember, but they gave it to me only for 10 years. We bought it at the poultry market and as soon as I took the small lump in my hands, I couldn’t let it go.
She was sick when she was little (I don’t think you can find a healthy animal at the poultry market).
She knew her worth, was proud, but tolerated all my childish pranks. She could purr throughout the entire room and would not let anyone else near her.
She died at the age of 10. Onko. This is very little for a cat and we still miss her.

Daisy (Desere). Labrador. Skoda and a thief who loves food. Tales of her antics can be told forever. She was a dominant female and did not always consider it necessary to obey us. She never became friends with Peach (Five-year-old Persyusha never accepted her). From then on, Daisy had a dream to have her own cat.
Daisy was the kindest dog in the world. She loved everyone: people, cats, little children. She never growled or showed any dissatisfaction. And everyone loved her.
Once she had puppies - as many as 13 of them (she ran away for 5 minutes).
She was a strong and agile dog. I saw no obstacles when I saw food. And although she had been seriously ill for the last two years, she remained the most wonderful and sociable dog.She passed away at the age of 14, a year and a half ago, and I didn’t want to have anyone after her.

Bolek (Boleslav). Red exotic. Daisy believed that it was given to her personally. They had a special love. He copied all her sleep positions and tried to always be nearby. He was brought in almost immediately after Persyusha’s death. Well, we couldn’t live without a cat. It was terribly empty. Bolek is a cat with the character of a Labrador. The kindest and most good-natured boy in the world. It is plush not only to the touch, but also in character. He has poor health and autoimmune problems, but it’s hard to imagine a better cat. he will be 11 in the fall and his problems don’t bother him now. And although he is neutered, he is willing to give “special cuddles” to all of our cats.

Lika (Angelica). Persian tricolor cat. She considers herself a princess, but in reality she is a master of falls - she doesn’t feel the edge at all. She flew from beds and tables. Insanely beautiful and gentle girl. But she is strict with cats and dogs. She loves it when everything is her way. The head of our cat pack. One year younger than Bolek. Mom wanted to breed them, but Bolka couldn’t handle it due to his health, and Lika wouldn’t let other people’s cats near her. She loves when people praise her and admire her beauty.

Vasya (Vasilisa). Himalayan cat with a very strange coloring. Two years younger than Lika. Shy cat with squinting eyes. I suspect that the breeders beat her because she is afraid of everything. With difficulty they taught her not to be afraid of us. She has a strange voice, eyes in different directions and crooked teeth, a funny spot on her nose and an uneven color of her fur coat, but no one can love like she does. She feels calm only when she’s around me, and I appreciate that and always try to support her.

Nika (Veronica). White Himalayan cat of unearthly beauty. From the same nursery as Vasya and her same age. It was never possible to deal with it. She never stopped being afraid of people. I only loved Bolek in my life. At the age of eight, her heart could not withstand the constant stress and she died. I don’t know if I did everything I could for her. I still think what we did wrong was that she couldn’t adapt, but we tried to make her life as comfortable as possible.

Misik (Aramis). This Thai cat found his own owners. He just came to our dacha three years ago and said that he would live with them. This is a seasoned cat with a torn ear, scars and knocked out front teeth and a fang. I don’t know what kind of life he had before us, but the doctor said that he was the same age as Bolek. They became best friends with him. Misik is an active and cheerful cat. The main guard of our pack. He won’t offend anyone. He walks wherever he wants, but comes home to sleep (always on the chest of his owners). It seems to me that fate itself sent him to us. He is nothing less than a familiar. I don’t know how I would have lived if we hadn’t left him.

Veles. Cardigan corgi puppy. A year after Daisy, Mom made it easy to give her a dog. Now he is seven months old and is the smartest and most obedient child in the world. Due to his age, he is loud and active, but I see great potential in him and can no longer imagine how it would be possible without Veles. The baby chose me to be the main hostess. We work out a lot with him and learn new commands. He teaches me a lot too. I understand more and more what he is trying to tell me and sometimes it seems that he is no more stupid than a person, only he is not endowed with speech.


I’ve actually been thinking recently that chickens are a good analog for fluffies. Highly social and extremely dumb. I grew up with them as well and was thinking of doing the same!

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