Fluffies after nuclear war[RacsistCarter436]

Before we start: im really into fluffy abuse thing lately and feel like i am now obsessed with seeing this litlle things get beaten shit out of em.

So anyways this is my first ever post here so sorry for bad grammar and english and etc.
I feel like its just made up excuses to not let tou enjoy my story so no more munching.

Les go!

Year is 2056. After nuclear exchange between U. S and Russia over quarter of population lies deceased with many cities turned to rubles.

Fluffies - hasbio created biotoys created not long before the cataclysm suprisingly survived the mishap and now roam the wasteleands freely. Without natural predators population of this vermins skyrocketed, but though numerous fluffies did not adapted to their new environment at all, instead facing even more threats than ever before. Fluffies became main food source for human survivors and their pets and also a snack for a new lifeform which is still pretty much a mystery unsolved. Due to fluffies selective genome their ability to produce positive mutation is severly limited so radiation sickness has became a main death cause for a feral fluffuies in this new world.

Fluffies being as intillegent as they are didnt umderstand a concept of radiation and so felt completely normal about eating solid radioactive waste or uranium-238 particles considering them as a “specwal glowy nummies” gifting them lethal dose of radiation and insane predeath agony. Fluffies exposed to radiation over long periods of time bred and produced a litter of mutant foals, often with siam s
yndrome, double limbs, encephalitis, deformed skeletons and so unable to function properly and die within hours after they were born.

Everything in the environment adapted. Everything except fluffies. Their dumb logic once lead them to undetonated nuclear warhead lying somewhere in the rubbles.
Fluffy thought it was a “new meta fwend” and decided to give it a “huggies”. Poor thing was vaporized in seconds, and streets of rubble became even more rubble.

Perhaps worstest fate were given to fluffies which were held as pets. Since feral fluffies probably had spread to some of the rural areas they were at lower risk of dying from atomic blast than lets say pet fluffies. Many of pet fluffies died a cruel and agonizing death by being burned alive, many were vaporized instantly, others were blinded and severed of their limbs by shockwaves and debris. It was mostly feral fluffies who survived.


What’s does encylophitys mean? Google suggested encephalitis.

Yeah i messed up with that, my bad

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What’s funny is that uranium is allegedly really sweet so I could see fluffies eating radioactive material thinking it was candy.

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