Fluffies and Artificial Intelligence (by recreationalsadist)

Ninety Nine loved his life. He had a lot of mommies and daddies and one of them was always around to play with him.

Right now he didn’t know where Mommy Susan was taking him though. The “lab” they worked in had a lot of hallways and he didn’t remember this one.

Susan opened the door. They were outside! Ninety Nine loved the outside, it was so fun to play there! This must be more playtime!

Susan pointed at a humanoid figure out in the yard.

“Alright, Ninety Nine, I need you to go over and give that person a hug.”

“YAY! Wiww gib huggies fow nyu fwiend!”

Hugs were some of the best things, this was the best playtime ever!

Ninety Nine trotted over and was about to give a hug when he saw his new friend was holding their arms up. They must want to give him upsies! Ninety Nine got into the upsies position.

Ninety Nine’s ‘new friend’ was actually the latest in humanoid robot design. He was usually just there for the researchers to play with, but in this case he was being used to help test it and it’s AI.

Ninety Nine was lifted up by the robot.

“YAY! Wub upsies! Am su much fun.”

The robot then proceeded to move it’s arms down, and then threw Ninety Nine into the air at 120 miles per hour.


Ninety Nine vanished into the clouds.

Susan scribbled down some notes.

“I wonder what it is about fluffies that causes every single form of AI to try to brutally murder them.”

Off to the side Ninety Eight was crushed by an assembly line robot, Ninety Seven had been stabbed to death with a Bishop by a chess-playing robot, and Ninety Six had been fucked to death by an Amazon Alexa that had gone from it’s anus to it’s mouth.

Author’s Note: Feel free to list out how you think One through Ninety Five got killed off by AI.


Number One was killed when Majel Barrett Roddenberry scrambled him during materialization through a Transporter. /deepcut


Hmm… totally reasonable response to the existence of shitrats.

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Model One’s internal wiring got eaten by a fluffy think it was sketti. The most fluffy thing led to an AI death and it learned to kill them to prevent other AIs from dying.