Fluffies and the Paranormal [By MuffinMantis]

[Here’s a bit of headcanon about the paranormal and how it’s related to fluffies, as there seems to be a lot of paranormal activity going on in the fluffiverse at large.]

Fluffies are quite often known as “shitrats” due to the vast amount of waste they produce. This waste production can seem so vast that a fluffy can be placed in a sealed container with no food or water and often will fill the entire container in waste, thereby drowning in its own filth.

Another, less well-known feature of fluffies is most apparent when looking at the rejects from a foal-in-a-can machine, that feature being their odd growth patterns. It’s quite common to see a tiny, withered dead foal in a can alongside a foal that’s grown large enough inside the can to get crushed by the lack of space. But these foals were both given the same amount of food.

But doesn’t matter have to come from somewhere? Don’t these phenomena violate the known laws of physics?

Well, the short answer is yes. The long answer is a bit more complicated and requires a bit of fluffy history and biology to explain.

During the creation of fluffies, Hasbio bio-engineers noticed a strange behavior that emerged randomly in the test fluffies. This behavior was the apparent generation of both matter and energy by some of their fluffies. Tests done showed that this generation could even exceed 4x the original mass of the fluffy in question, but most importantly didn’t stop the fluffy from starving to death, resulting in it being deemed a useless trait.

Eventually, this trait was narrowed down to a strange molecular structure found in some fluffies, composed of 96% normal matter and 4% exotic matter that could not be identified. These structures were believed to somehow pull matter from other dimensions or iterations of reality, but were never fully understood.

This process also appeared to weaken the walls between realities, allowing paranormal creatures and forces to pass through, as exemplified by a certain immortal red shapeshifting jellybean. Fortunately, these creatures, if hostile, appear to focus their hostility on fluffies almost exclusively.

Ultimately, this trait was planned to be culled in the final iteration of the fluffy genome, due to a singular incident that demonstrated that the trait was undesirable. The incident in question involved an engineer taking a test fluffy home to his daughter, only for the child to be traumatized when the avatar of Death itself scythed down the fluffy in front of her. However, the released version of the fluffy still had this trait, due to their unfinished state.